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Mackenzies POV

Over the past few days, me and the walton's have been hanging out a lot recently, but in two days they are moving to Atlanta Georgia, forever. Meaning I most likely won't see them every again, which is kind of sad because I've only met them 2 weeks ago and I've had the most amazing time with them.

The Black Phone comes out tomorrow as well, which I'm pretty excited about. But then I'm also leaving North Carolina in 2 weeks, dude there is so much going on right now it's crazy. Oh and not the mention the fact that Jules found a boyfriend, his name is Steve and if I'm being honest, he isn't that bad, unlike the fact he's gonna be flying back to the Uk with us. ON THE PLANE. Like they only got together yesterday and he's already going to places with us? What the hell?

Moving on, me,Maddy,Mason and Miguel decided to go to McDonald's all together. "We should get milkshakes!" Madeleine suggests as we walk out of my house and to McDonald's. "Hell nah. They are absolutely disgusting oh and especially the chocolate ones" Miguel says, which leaves the rest of us to a big gasp. "YOU DID NOT JUST DISRESPECT CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKES INFRONT OF ME" Mason snaps, causing us all to slightly laugh. After another 10 minutes of walking, we finally make it to McDonald's. "Lets sit at the top!" Miguel says as we all follow him upstairs at McDonald's. Miguel and Madeleine quickly run and sit beside eachother, they did this on purpose didnt they. "Can I please sit beside Maddy or Miguel??" I ask, rolling my eyes as both of them shake their heads. OBVIOUSLY I ended up beside Mason. "Oh my, we should definitely go to the beach after we eat!!" Madeleine says, stuffing food in her mouth. "Slow down, jeez" Mason says, letting out a chuckle. "I'm hungry, JeEz" Madeleine snaps back, mocking Mason. "We should though, the sunset will make it 100% better" I say, taking a sip out of my Fanta. Yeah, we didn't end up getting milkshakes as we didn't have enough money.

After we finish eating we arrive at the beach. "Guys, we don't have swimsuits though?" Mason says, "It wont take that long to dry" Madeleine says as me,her and Miguel literally just run into the water, except Miguel, he took off his shirt and THEN went into the water, after like 5 minutes, Mason did the same. "Oh look who decided to join us" I say, in a joking tone. We continue swimming and splashing each other till we decide to finally get out. We wait like and whole hour till our clothes dry, they didn't fully dry but it was good enough. "Okay guys, I'm gonna be getting home, bye!" Miguel starts, hugging us all goodbye as he walks away, his house is like 10 minutes from the beach so it's really easy for him. "Ehh, I think I'll be heading too, my mom wanted be home before 8, and it's 7 now, soo, bye bye guyss!!" Madeleine says, as well, hugging us both goodbye and calling for her mom to pick her up . Now it was just me and Mason. "Why aren't you going home?" I suddenly ask, "Because.. I don't want to, not that I wanna be here with you, I just wanna stay here and watch the sunset" He says, not even turning to look at me. "What about you?" He adds on, finally turning to me. "I'm going home now, fucker" I say, and just walking off. Why did I do that? He was actually nice to me for the first time. Whatever, it would be weird to just come back anyway.

I wake up at 9:48, which is great because I'm meeting the Walton's at 2. Their flight is at 4pm I'm pretty sure. I get dressed, brush my teeth, do my makeup, ect. "Goodmorning Jules" I say, making myself some cereal for breakfast. "hihi, if you're meeting with the Walton's, tell jayla I said bye" She says, giving me a slight smile, her and Jayla are friends, really ever since I met Jaden, they also got pretty close. "No. You do it yourself" I snap back, "But you're going to meet up with them, and I'm not so you can just say I said bye to Jayla? Really not that hard?" She replies, I can tell she's pissed for some reason. "I'm not meeting them, I'm going to hang out with Maddy" I lie. I just thought it was gonna be funny if she really turns up saying goodbye to the Walton's while I'm also there. "Well you could of just told me that" She said, turning her attention back at the TV.

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