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Mackenzies POV

I wake up at around 10:56am, I felt so tired and unbothered to do anything, and so I slowly went back to sleep. "MACKENZIE! CMON GET UP!" Jules bursts into my room, yelling with loads of bags and suitcases in her hands. "Why what's happening" I question, still half asleep. "We are going to Brooke's and Masons house, because we are all going to leave together, our flights at the same time!" She responds, as I let out a tiny 'oh' and lay back again, not falling asleep this time though. "Get up, get ready, I'm in the living room, oh and clean up here, make sure it's as clean as it was since we came" She adds on, then leaving the room.

I get up, do my business, get dressed, do my hair & brush my teeth. And last but not least, I clean up my hotel room. I finally leave the room for the last time, and enter the living room. "Okay let's go" She starts, both of us walking out the house and downstairs. We head in the car and drive off to their hotel, it was 3 hours away from our hotel and much closer to the airport as it was literally beside the airport, it costed too much money so we didn't take that hotel and took the one we had instead. I basically fall asleep half of the ride when Jules wakes me up. "We are here, come on!" She says, hurrying me on.

"Hello girls! Come on in!" Masons mom greets us, both with a side hug, "If it's okay with both of you, Mackenzie will be sleeping with Mason and you with Brooke!" She says to my sister, which she nods to, adding a smile. Jules then heads into Brooke's room and they greet each other with a hug, me on the other hand, yeah I just sit on the couch, watching whatever was on the tv. After a while, Mason comes round and sits beside me, except there was a space between us, he turns off the cooking channel which I was watching, and to be honest, it was interesting. "Why did you turn it off?" I ask him, looking over at him and giving him a dirty confused look. He dosen't respond and turns on SpongeBob, "Dude?!?" I slightly yell, causing him to turn to me. "This isn't you're house, you don't rule around here" He says, turning all his attention back onto the tv. "Well you know what? This also isn't you're house, you don't rule here" I slightly mock him, causing him to give me the dirtiest look ever, I am NEVER asking for forgiveness from this

"Dinners ready!" Masons mom shouts, making all four of us run into the kitchen, starving. I ended up sitting beside Masons mom, which was the best, although Mason was technically on my left side too. Moving on, Masons mom made some chips and chicken nuggets, it was actually delicious if you ask me, "This is really good, thank you" Jules says, shoving the chips into her mouth, "Yeah, thank you!" I agree, eating some of my nuggets. We basically eat in silence the rest of the dinner.

It was 9pm, I was just clearing out my camera roll, deleting things I don't need/photos. I was in Masons bedroom on his bed, while he was also in his room, but on the desk, watching YouTube on his laptop. We had to go sleep soon because we need to get up at 3am to go to the airport, since our flight is at 9am.

"Hey guys, get into bed now, please!" Masons mom says, closing the door and leaving as soon as she finishes talking. I take a quick shower plus change into my pjs, and lay in bed on my right side, my back facing Mason. I start to get a little tired and so I turn my phone off and put it on the bedside table, and before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep. I slept pretty peacefully except the fact that Mason took the whole blanket off my, which made me freezing.

"Mackenzie! MACKENZIE! Wake up" I hear Mason yell, practically almost on top of me. "What.." I slowly whisper, still basically asleep, "Get the fuck up!" He slowly starts to yell, causing me to sit up, "It's 2am?!?" I say, fully awake this time, "We are leaving early" He blankly replies. I let out a groan because I do not want to get up.

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