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Mackenzies POV

I wake up at 10:53 the next morning. I brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup, ect. I then get dressed into my favourite red sweater with some black jeans. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself some tomato soup that Jules made. "Hey can you drive me at 3pm to Barry Bowls?" I ask Jules. "Yeah no problem" She replies, also eating some tomato soup.

After I finish, I watch The Turning on Netflix for a few minutes since I only have 15 minutes left. When it finishes, I make sure I have everything I need in my bag, even though I still have 4 hours till we leave. I put my laptop in my bag as well so we can play roblox later as Madeleine ADORES roblox, especially Fashion Famous. I really just watched tiktok for the rest of the day, until 2:56. "KENZIE! WE ARE LEAVING NOW!" I hear my sister yell from the kitchen. I grab my bag, put my converse on and walk out the door.

"I'll be here for you at 3 tomorrow, have fun bye!" Jules says, giving me a slight hug as I walk out into Barry Bowls. I meet Miguel as soon as I walk in, "Heyyy" I say, giving Miguel a slight hug, "Are the others here yet?" I ask, pulling away from the hug. "Yeah, Madeleine is in the bathroom and Ma- oh Mason is there!" He responds, as I turn back which reveals Mason, He comes up to us and Madeleine comes back. "Helloo guys!" She says, hugging both me and Mason. "Let's go bowling now I'm dying to win!" She says, causing us all to laugh. "IM CHOOSING ALL OF YOUR GUYS'S NAMES!" Mason yells as he walks over to the board and chooses our names. "Miguel is Mįgüël, because it's amazing, Maddy's is Fashion Famous Master, because it's the facts. And Mackenzie is-" He says, but gets cut off at the last part by Maddy, "KENZO!" She slightly yells and she types in 'Kenzo' as my name. "Weirdest names ever" I say, rolling my eyes sarcastically. Madeleine goes first and only knocks 1 over, Miguel knocks all of them over, I knock 3 over and Mason knocks 1 of them. "Maddy I thought you're a master at this" I say, mocking her from when she said that she's a master at bowling, "Oh shut up I'll knock them all over next round" She says, letting out a giggle. And as so, we play for about 3 more hours. "Guys my mom will be here for us soon, so we should start to leave" Madeleine says, turning her phone off and as we all walk out of 'Barry Bowls'

We all hop into Maddy's moms car, and we drive home, Madeleine is in the front, I'm in the middle, Masons on my left and Miguel is on my right, and when I tell you IT WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE. We finally arrive at Maddy's house though. We all hop out, take our shoes off and go upstairs into Maddy's room. "What should we do noww?" I say, laying down on her bed, fake sleeping. "OMG I HAVE THE BEST IDEA EVER!!" Maddy yells, leaving us all confused. "AT LIKE 1am OR SOMETHING BECAUSE WE ARE STAYING UP TILL SUNRISE, WE ARE GOING TO MAKE A CAKE, ONE OF US IS BLINDFOLDED, THE OTHER IS MUTE AND SOMEONE IS DEAF!" She yells, looking at all 3 of us for approval, "There's four of us" Miguel says, "What he said" I say, putting the thumbs up for Maddy to see with a slight smile. "Right. The fourth person will also be blindfolded then!" She says, the rest of us approving. While we wait for it to turn 1am, we do the Boyd's makeup, play truth or dare, do this is a game of concentration and that was really it. "Guys it's only 11 and I can't really wait till 1, so can we do it now?" Madeleine asks, rolling around in her bed. "Sureee" I answer. And so we all head downstairs and into the kitchen. "Mason and Kenzie will be blindfolded, I'll be mute and Miguel will be deaf" She says, looking for a cake recipe on her phone. After she finishes, she goes to get a two bandanas, some AirPods and tape. Me and Mason put the bandanas on our eyes, Miguel puts some music which is probably BLASTING in his ears, and Maddy tapes her mouth. "Okay let's start, ehh, Maddy get the ingredients" I say, walking around everyone while my hands in front of me, making sure I don't trip.

Madeleines POV

"Okay Maddy has the flour in the bowl now" Miguel says, turning both Mason and Mackenzie to face towards us, even though they can't see. "Okay amazing news Miguel" Kenzie replies, putting her hands into the bowl of flour, i slightly push Kenzie over, signing her to stop, i then move her hands out of the bowl. "Is Maddy done?" I hear Mason repeat as he's trying to communicate with Miguel, "We only have the flour" Miguel responds, he's really good at reading lips because he did not take the AirPods out.

After we finished, we take the cake out and decorate it. It's now 3:23 since it took us ages to bake it. "Mmm, it's so good omg" I say, tasting a bit of the cake. "I slayed making this" Miguel says, looking real proud even though he barely did anything. "That was really fun though" Mason says, almost finishing his cake out. "Agreed" Kenzie agrees. "Wait are you guys like actually getting along?" I ask, as my eyes widen, "In you're dreams" "NEVER" Both Kenzie and Mason say at the same time, "Aww cmon" I says, with a slight sarcastic pout, "It's his fault, he wont apologise, I apologised so many times" Kenzie says, joining her lips together, forming a line. "Cmon Mason, it's not that hard to just apologise, but like actually apologise" Miguel adds, "At this point Mason probably likes Kenzie" I says, as I finish my cake out. "EW NO! What make you think THAT?" Mason responds, looking over at me with a disgusted look. "No reason" I says, with a smirk. "What the fuck" I hear Kenzie yell as me and Miguel walk out of the kitchen.

Mackenzies POV

After baking and all that, we head upstairs, "Hey guys I think I'm actually gonna go to sleep I'm like dying I'm so tired" I say, yawing and laying on Maddy's bed, which I was sharing with her. "Me too honestly" I hear Maddy agree, "What about you lads?" I say, pulling the blanket over me and changing Maddy's LEDs to blue. "Yeah me too" Miguel says, "Same" Mason adds, almost getting cut off by a yawn. "Goodnight then, I guess" I say, turning to my side and closing my eyes, "Goodnight" I hear Miguel yell, "Be a bit quiet Miguel, and goodnight" I hear Maddy whisper behind me. "Goodnight Miguel" I hear Mason whisper to Miguel.

sorry ab the short and lazy chapter, I promised I'd post it after school but I was busy so I'm now writing this at 11pm, again, sorry ab how this is rushed I'm like actually dying myself. I also don't know when the next chapter will be out, I'll try to post tomorrow after my hw 👏 also thank you so much for 130 reads <3
- elena (1255 words)

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