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Mackenzies POV

We all wake up at 10am the next morning. There is a new fair that opened yesterday which we will most likely be going to. "Hey guys, since we are going to the fair, maybe y'all can stay another day?" Madeleine asks, putting her eyeliner on, "Yeah I'll be able to stay" Miguel says, Which Mason agrees too. "What about you kenz?" Madeleine turns to me, "Oh right sorry, I'll ask my sister now" I reply, taking my phone out to text my sister. "She said it was alright but after that, I cannot stay another night" I say, with a slight grin. "Thank god, it would be so boring without you!" Madeleine responds, finishing her makeup up. "No it wouldn't" I hear Mason say whisper under his breath. Which wasn't really a whisper as we all heard it. "Wait what time does it open at?" I ask, turning over to Maddy as I was asking her the question. "I think it's 2pm to 1am or something, but I'd say we will be there till like 6 or something!" She answers. "Wait do you guys have money?" She adds on, "Yeah I do, I have €300, I'll share with Miguel too though" Mason replies, taking the money out from his bag. "Yeah I do too" I say, also taking out €150. "Great! I have some for myself too!" Maddy says, pointing to her piggy bank. 

After we finish breakfast it is now 1pm. "We should start getting ready now!" Madeleine says. "Yeah okayy" The rest of us reply and as we all put on our coats and shoes, it wasn't that cold so I just brought a hoodie instead of a coat. "My mum will drive us" Maddy says, as we walk outside and into her mums car, again, she's in the front and I'm at the back wit the two boys. "Okay have fun guys! If anything happens, please call me, okay Maddie? I'll be here for you at 6pm!" Madeleines mother says, "Thank you miss McGraw!" I say, closing the back door and as we all walk into the fair. It was 2:12 so it was open for 12 minutes and it's absolutely packed already! "IM GOING ON THE BUMPER CARS!" I yell, running over to a little stand where you buy tokens for the rides. Since I was going on the bumper cars, the rest were too. I sat in a green one, Maddy was in a purple one, Mason was in a blue one and Miguel was in a yellow one. During the ride, I kept crashing into Mason, purposely though. "I'm gonna get you idiot" I hear Mason yell, and soon after i fell a cart bump into mine at the back, "Oh you fucker" i sort of yell, just for Mason to hear, oh and probably Maddy as well. "LANGUAGE!" I hear Maddy yell as she crashes her cart into Miguel. "Dude my bumper cart was so slow!" I hear Miguel say as we finish. "No wonder i barely saw you anywhere"
I laugh, which Maddy and Miguel do as well. Although Mason, he wasn't even listening. "I'm going on the twisters, who's going with me?" I hear Mason ask looking at Maddy and Miguel. "Nope" Maddy responds, backing away, "Not in a million years" Miguel says. "I'll go" I say, and I hear him whisper a light 'fine' under his breath. "Cmon I'm not that boring" I say, causing him to slightly laugh. "Oh you actually are" He replies, as we both walk into the ride after getting our tokens. We get into a cart and since the fair was so packed, we had to sir next to each other as there was no space anywhere else. Like almost the second we get on, the ride starts, it goes from slow to fast, then like super super super fast. "Shit this ride got fast" I say, holding onto the bars for dear life. "Scaredy cat" Mason laughs, rolling his eyes as his hair gets pushed back, from the wind. "I never said I'm scared, fucker" I reply, sitting up straight acting tough, even though inside I was about to throw up.

"Okay but the twisters got so much faster" I say, getting off the ride with Mason, "It's perfect what you on about?" I hear him say as we walk over to Maddy and Miguel who just got off the slingshot. "So you went on the slingshot which is terrible, but didn't go on the twisters?" I ask, with a confused look on my face. "I was forced" Miguel says, letting out a sigh I didn't even know he was holding. "Well yk I wanted you guys to have some time together" Maddy responds, and we walk over to the stand again to get more tokens. "We barely even talked to each other man." I say, joining my lips together, creating a line.

We stay at the fair until 5:22,  because we got slushies after the fair. I get a red one, so does Mason, Maddy gets green and Miguel gets blue. We find a bench to sit on while drinking our slushies. "Today was so fun omg" Maddy says, taking a sip out of her slushie. "Yeah true, but what are we gonna do at your house then?" I say, "We are gonna watch a movie or something because we are definitely staying up till like sunrise" She answers. "I hope we do because we said that yesterday AND our last sleepover" Miguel adds on. "It's kind of weird how we get along the most together and not that much with the others, yk?" Maddy says. "Maybe it's because we are like the top 4 main characters in the black phone?" I reply, which Maddy agrees too.

After Madeleines mother picks us up, we go upstairs and we each take turns to go shower, after the last person to shower, aka Miguel, we play truth or dare until 11pm, meaning it lasted about 5 hours or so, maybe actually a few minutes because we also played Kiss Marry Kill. "Movie suggestions?" Madeleine says, turning Netflix on her tv in her bedroom. "ENOLA HOLMES" I yell, "CORALINE" Miguel yells, almost interrupting me, "Agreed with Miguel" Mason adds on. "Coraline it is" Madeleine says, turning Coraline on. "This movie used to haunt me when I was younger" I say, while Mason shushes me. "You're Like the only one making noise right now, you shush" I say, mocking the way he said shush. "Shut up idiots" Miguel interups.

sorry ab the short chapter, also ik Coraline isn't on Netflix but let's pretend it is :))
(1117 words)

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