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It's been a day since we have arrived at North Carolina and tomorrow we are starting to film. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" My sister asks me, taking her makeup off. "Yeah, apart from the fact I have to kiss mason" I reply, rolling my eyes. "Ohhh, I met up with Brooke yesterday, Mason faked being sick because he doesn't wanna go" She says. "Anyways, I'm gonna get my outfit ready for tomorrow" I say as I walk into my room. Our hotel was pretty big, the view outside was absolutely stunning, you could see the beautiful sunsets, and in the mornings the sun would blast through your windows. Not necessarily everyday but today, it did. I pick out a grey shirt with some black jeans and put them on a chair beside the desk.

It was 7pm and so I decided to go for a shower, usually I'd go at like 8/9 but I have to go sleep early today, as we have to wake up at 7am tomorrow to start filming. After showering, I brush my teeth, do my skincare, ect. I then grab a quick snack and back into my room . "Goodnight Jules" I say, closing my bedroom door, I hear a light "Goodnight" From my sister. I lay in bed and before I knew it, I was asleep.


The next morning, we wake up at exactly 7am on the dot. I get change into the outfit I chose yesterday, I brush my teeth and do my hair. I then go to the kitchen and eat some eggos. "We will be heading out in 30 minutes" Jules says and I look over at her, she was watching the telly. "Okayy" i respond. I grab a small bag to put my swimsuit in, because after filming, we are going to a beach. I decide to quickly post on insta after that.

Posted by mackenzieleblanc

Mackenzieleblanc : 30 minutes, and we are heading out to film 👏👏👏

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Mackenzieleblanc : 30 minutes, and we are heading out to film 👏👏👏

Madeleinemcgraw : Gorgeous girl 🫶
mackenzieleblanc : all youu 🫶🫶

Ilovemackenziiee : you are so pretty !!!
*liked by creator*



We arrived at the place where we were filming, it was 8:20 when we arrived, which was perfect. I see Madeleine,Tristan,Banks and all of the others the second I step in, I greet them all with a hug. Expect Mason , I greet him with a side hug, which was extremely awkward as I didn't hug him since we were like 5. "I'm so excited to be working with you all!" Madeleine starts, with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Yeah we are too!" The rest reply, also with a big grin. After waiting for about 10 minutes we were starting to film.

Like 1/2 hours into filming, it was my turn to be on screen for the first time, I was Donna, Finneys love interest. "Hey Donna, I wanna talk to you in private before my baseball match starts" Finney says, "Yeah sure, let's go into a classroom" Donna replies and they walk into a empty classroom, "So what is it?" Donna asks, (I was very nervous in this scene because I would have to kiss him in a few minutes) "I-I like you.. I've liked you for ages, and I totally unders-" Finney starts, but gets cut off by Donna kissing him. (shit.) "I like you too, blake" Donna says with a huge grin on her face. Finney kisses her one last time before they head out for the match. I get off set because it's only Tristan and mason in these sences, "You did amazing girl!!" I hear Madeleine whisper, making me turn my head towards her, "Thank you" Is all I reply with. The kissing secne took 3 tries, which basically means I kissed mason like 9/8 times. damn.

About like 3/4 hours later of filming, it was over, tomorrow we wake up at the same time to film more. In honour of our first day of filming, we all went to a beach, using a bus. Brooke and Jules are gone to town to go shopping for stuff. "Wanna go to the water?" I ask Madeleine after we go changed into our swimsuits. "Race you there" She tells before we both start sprinting to the water. "I WON" Madeleine yells, the water above her knees. "Do you want like a award or something?" I reply, sarcastically. "Yes I do" She responds, and as her award I start intensely splashing her with water, soon after that it basically turns into a water fight, then the boys join in but not technically all of them, someone was missing. I look over at Mason, who wasn't being splashed or him splashing anyone. Being the most amazing person I am, I ran over to him and started splashing him, he then starts splashing me back. I slightly push Mason over, causing him to fake drown, "GUYS OH MY GOD MASON IS DROWNING!" I yell in a happy tone, I mean if he really was drowning I wouldn't be that happy, in fact I wouldn't really be happy. It was now 8pm and it started to get dark. "Guys you should all come over to my hotel! It's very big and my room can fit all of us!" I start, only Madeleine,Tristan,Miguel,Mason,Brady and Banks could stay over at mine, the rest couldn't. Everyone calls their parents/siblings that their gonna be at our house/the hotel we are staying at. We took a bus there because a car wouldn't fit us all. The rest call their guardians to pick them up.

We arrive at the hotel, Jules greeting all of them, turns out Brooke is also staying over. "Let's go to my room" I say, as they follow me into my room. "So I'm guessing you guys don't have anything to sleep on, so 3 of us will sleep in this bed and the others could sleep on the couch, it's a couch wich can be a couch or a bed for a few people to sleep on" I say, giving a slight grin, "Who's gonna sleep on ur bed and the couch?" Tristan asks and i reply with "Me, Madeleine and banks in my room, and Brady,Mason,Miguel and you on the couch?" I say as they all agree. "Let's watch a movie" Madeleine asks, "Okay but please not horror!" Banks says, "We can watch horror and you watch something else" Brady replies, Brady is a huge horror fan he would do anything to watch horror. "If your okay with it, you can watch whatever you want on my laptop?" I ask, which banks agrees too, i pass him my laptop and he goes into my room. I'm not a big fan of horror either but it's fine. We were watching The Turning, it isn't necessarily horror but it has jump scares, yk? We finish the movie and all of us end up falling asleep on the couch, Banks was sleeping in my bed.

I wake up at about 2:15 am and decide to get something to drink. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself some water into a cup. Until someone walks into the kitchen, scaring me a bit. fuck it's mason. I look at him and wash my cup, "Need anything?" I ask him because he was standing there ever since I noticed him. "Can I have something to eat?" He asks. great. now I probably have to make him something to eat. "What do you want?" I ask which he reply's with "Pancakes" "ARE YOU SERIOUS? IM NOT FONNA BE MAKING PANCAKES AT 2 IN THE MORNING, ESPECIALLY NOT WITH YOU!" I sorta yell, but luckily, I don't wake anyone up. "Oh okay" He replies, making a line with his lips and walking back. I do the same and we both end up falling asleep. (not beside eachother)

what do I say here
( 1330 words )

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