Ch. 3 Shower Thoughts

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Chapter 3 Shower Thoughts

"Are you coming?" Daniel asked as he held the car door open for Gia.

Gia looked up through her lashes. Her heart raced like a horse inside her chest as her ability to speak vanished. Every muscle and every common sense in her body told her not to get out of the car. She could feel the panic rise inside of her like the violent storm outside.

"Gia," Daniel called to her once more. The rain water washed down his face like a waterfall as the wind whipped around the trees that surrounded them. "We have to get inside."

"I..." Gia could barely keep her eyes open against the strength of the rain. "I can't go with you. Luca will kill me."

"Luca isn't here," Daniel looked around.

That's an excellent point, Sir. Gia thought.

"I'm not staying out here any longer," Daniel stepped back. "You can stay in the car all night if you want."

"That's a better idea," Gia nodded, reaching for the door.

"You're insane," Daniel shook his head.

"It's better than staying in a motel with you all night," Gia hated the way that sounded.

"Fine," Daniel's face hardened as he let go of the door and turned away. "The keys are inside."

Gia reached out for the door only to have the wind slam it shut on her. She saw Daniel's hands ball into fists as if she had done it on purpose. Her eyes followed him to the front office as he swung the door open and looked over his shoulder. Daniel held Gia's gaze until lightning struck, lighting up the world around them. Within seconds, the light was followed by deafening thunder and then....a fallen branch.

Daniel ran forward as a low hanging branch snapped off the tree and fell on the hood of the car. He witnessed the fear in Gia's eyes as the smaller bits scratched the windshield and cracked the glass. Screaming, the girl jumped out of the car and stumbled backwards.

"God damn it!" Daniel grabbed Gia's wrist and pulled her away from the trees. "Get the fuck inside, Gia. Now!"

Gia didn't know if Daniel was actually screaming at her or if he was only trying to make sure she could hear him over the howling of the wind. Either way, she did not like it. It made her flinch and feel small, like she was a child back in Del Mare standing in the front yard getting spanked by olive branches for having stains on her dress.

"Stop it!" Daniel's hand tightened when Gia tried to pull her wrist back. He turned before she could protest and dragged her towards the front office. Gia's feet stumbled along as the train of her dress tangled up with her legs.

"Daniel!" Gia urged him to slow down as she tripped and fell against his back. But Daniel didn't stop. He swung the door open and moved her inside the tiny office as the wind did its part and swung the door shut.

Inside, the rain could be heard on the rooftop. The air conditioner was on full blast and the strangest scent of rotten lemons hung in the air. Gia found herself standing between the wall and Daniel as he loomed over her, his eyes filled with rage.

"Sorry about your car," she said, looking up for just a second before dropping her gaze once more to their wet shoes. "Do you have insurance?"

Daniel made a sound deep in his throat Gia didn't recognize. But it sure made every hair on her body stand on its end. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as the water from her hair dripped onto her shoulder and then down her arms. She was freezing and wanted to very badly wrap her arms around herself. But her brain told her to stand as still as a needle.

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