Ch.28 Like Deer In Headlights

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Chapter 28

"Don't make a sound," Manny hesitated as he gripped Gia's arm and pulled her out of the apartment. Gia whimpered as the cold barrel of the gun pressed against her skin. "Shhhhh!"

"G?" Daisy's voice could be heard from the inside as the apartment door banged shut. Gia's heart began to palpate as she began to worry about Daisy being caught in between her and Manny.

"Get in the elevator," Manny ordered.

"What are you doing?" Gia asked calmly as the man pushed her towards the elevator. "Where are you taking me?"

"Stop talking," Manny moved the gun to Gia's temple.

"Gia?" Daisy walked to the door and pulled it open just in time to see the elevator doors slide close. Her eyes widened as she spotted the gun against her best friend's head. "Gia!"

Running out of the apartment, Daisy threw herself against the elevator doors. She tried to stop them from closing but she was too late. The doors shut with a click and the lift began to descend.

"No! No!" Daisy yelled as she pressed the button for the second lift. "Luca!"

Hearing the commotion and the panic in Daisy's voice, Luca came running out of the apartment with Carla.

"What's going on?" He asked immediately. "Where's Gia?"

"Manny!" Daisy pointed to the elevator. "He....he had a gun to her head!"

The colors drained from Carla's face as she looked at Luca, "Angelo...."

Luca's jaw clenched. He looked at Daisy and then at the stairwell.

"Carla, take her inside," he ordered as he headed for the emergency stairs.

"What? No!" Daisy protested, pressing the elevator buttons once more.

"Yes!" Luca did not wait around to argue as he pushed the stairwell door open. "Carla, she's pregnant. Take her inside. Now!"

"You're pregnant?" Carla gasped looking at Daisy.

Despite her anxiety over Gia, Daisy felt her heart freeze. Carla had been more of a mother to her then her own mother. She didn't want her to find out about the baby like that.

"Get inside," Carla pointed to the apartment just as the elevator arrived.

Daisy looked at the open apartment door and then at the elevator. She wasted no time as she ran into the elevator and repeatedly pressed the button for the main floor.

"Why are you girls so stupid?" Carla yelled, running into the elevator after Daisy. "Are you out of your mind? You're carrying a child!"


"Luca is there, isn't he?" Carla yelled as the elevator began to make its way to the ground floor. "Where did I go wrong with you two? You're supposed to be smarter than all this!"

"Well, whoopty doo!" Daisy threw her hands up. "We fucked up!"

"No, shit Sherlock!" Carla jeered. "How far along are you?"

"Only a few weeks," Daisy adjusted her shirt and stared up at the numbers.

"What are your plans?"

"I'm keeping it," Daisy announced.

"And the father?" Carla arched her brow. "What does he want?"

"He's not going to be in the picture," Daisy stepped forward, ready to run out as soon as the elevator doors opened.

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