Ch. 6 Match made in Billions

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Chapter 6 Match Made In Billions

"So he's yelling at me and I'm yelling at him and the maid comes out and she's telling me to get her bread and I had no idea what she's talking about and then Daniel starts telling me that I'm superf-" Gia paused as she looked over to the passenger's seat and realized Daisy was not paying any attention to what she had to say. Gia frowned as her eyes flickered from the road to her best friend. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Daisy lied. "Stay in your lane."

"I'm sorry," Gia's frown deepened. "I was just asking..."

"The car, Gia," Daisy reached over and adjusted the steering wheel. "You keep veering into the right lane."

"Oh!" Gia turned her attention back to the road. "Sorry."

"Jesus," Daisy shook her head. "Maybe I should drive. Take the next exit out of the highway."

"No, we're almost there," Gia shook her head. "I haven't killed us yet. We're fine."

"Dying was not part of my summer plans," Daisy sighed and leaned her head back. Her feet were on the dashboard and Gia could make out the cute little daisy's on her toes.

"You know, Luca hates feet on the dashboard," she said.

"Luca can go suck a dick," Daisy muttered. "Maybe that will help with the stick he has up his ass."

"What's wrong with you?" Gia looked over again. "You're so cranky."

"I am!" Daisy said in frustration. "I'm on my stupid period and you're making me go all the way to this dumb pool party with your stupid rich friends that won't even get in the pool."

Frowning, Gia began to understand where Daisy's bad mood had probably stemmed from.

"Did your mom say something to you?" She asked.

"Of course, she did," Daisy sighed. She leaned her head back and folded her head against the seat. Her eyes were locked on the road in front of them. "She always has something to say."

"What was it this time?" Gia wondered.

"Same shit," Daisy said.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with me because my family is rich and I'm going to make you feel bad about yourself and your family?" Gia felt sick just saying the words.

True, Daisy and Gia came from two very different parts of the city. They were girls that were not meant to be friends. But when they had met in high school as part of a volunteering program at the UN, the girls became inseparable. It was as if they were created to complete each other in a way where no one else ever could. Gia could be herself around Daisy without the fear of judgment and she knew Daisy felt the same way. There was nothing the girls wouldn't do for one another.

"Yeah," Daisy sighed. "She thinks I'm trying to be someone I'm not by hanging out with you and going to all these events."

"And who is this someone?" Gia asked.

"Someone who chases a life of luxury and makes reckless decisions without a care in the world about how it will affect them or the people who rely on them."

Gia shook her head, "Sounds a lot like she's talking about herself."

"She is," Daisy sounded angry. "She thinks I'm going to end up like her. No real job, married and divorced four times, no money, and most importantly no one to love her."

"Why won't you listen to me and just move in with me?" Gia asked. "Carla already said it would be more than okay. We have that extra bedroom-"

"The extra bedroom where Luca is staying in right now?" Daisy asked. "How's that going to work? Will I have to sleep on the couch every time he comes to New York?"

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