Ch. 5 Lip Gloss

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Chapter 5 Lip Gloss

"This is a bit much, don't you think?" Gia looked over at Carla as the helicopter Luca had sent to pick them up lifted from the ground from the local private airport.

"I missed two of my morning meetings," Carla complained. "I am completely fine with this."

"Unbelievable," Gia shook her head. "Do you have any idea how much fuel is required to fly this.....thing?"

"Not now, Gia," Carla's eyes didn't leave her phone. "Please. Take it up with your brother."

"Oh I will," Gia pursed her lips. She folded her arms over her chest and leaned back in her seat. She didn't dare look out the window as they turned and headed towards New York. Just the feeling of being so high up in the air was making her nauseous and knowing Luca was waiting for her at home didn't help much either.

Gia ran through her story in her head one more time just to make sure everything added up properly. She prayed to god Luca wouldn't insist on meeting the "officer" who had responded to her distress call. Carla was easier to convince. All she cared about was Gia being safe. But Luca wasn't so easily fooled. He would no doubt have a million questions prepared for her.

As the forty five minute flight into New York City was coming to an end, Gia was prepared to meet her brother and get on with her trial. She took deep breaths as she listened to the pilot speak his codes and prepare for landing. Gia tugged on the sleeves of the white sweater she had changed into and looked out the window for the first time.

"Carla...?" Gia narrowed her eyes. "Why are we landing at the hospital?"

Carla looked up from her phone and leaned towards the window. She could see the helipad right below them as they began to land.

"What's going on?" Carla asked the pilot. "Why are we landing here and not at Crest Tower?"

"Mr. Silvano's orders, ma'am," the pilot said.

Carla looked towards her niece and patted her knee, "I'll hand it. Don't worry."

Gia bit her tongue as they landed and was helped out of the helicopter on top of the hospital. The wind blew around her hair like a tornado as she was rushed into the elevator and down to an examination room. The bright lights were harsh and the air conditioning was beginning to dry out Gia's lips. She wanted to chug down a gallon of water when two nurses and a doctor entered the room.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Silvano," the doctor smiled. "My name is Dr. Emery. I'm here to do a full evaluation to make sure you are all right after your accident last night."

"I'm completely fine," Gia said. "I was not hurt at all."

"That's good to hear but we still want to do a check up to make sure you don't have internal bleeding or injuries that you may not be aware of yet," Dr. Emery smiled.

"Is my brother here?" Gia asked. "I'm assuming he was the one who set this all up."

"Yes," Dr. Emery nodded. "He is with Dr. Silvano and the director right now."

"Writing a fat check to keep all this off the records?" Gia moved her hand to gesture around the room.

"I..." Dr. Emery shifted uncomfortably. "I just do what I was told by my boss. But I agree that a visit to the ER is important after any type of accident."

"Okay," Gia sighed. "We can start since I won't be leaving without it."

"Excellent," the doctor sighed as if she was expecting more difficulty.

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