Ch.17 Rats

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Chapter 17 Rats

As Daniel pulled on this black t-shirt, his eyes moved up Gia's figure in front of the mirror. He couldn't help but laugh when he saw the frown on her lips.

"I look ridiculous," Gia said, eyeing her outfit. She didn't want to wear her short dress and high heels. With no other options, the best she had was Daniel's basketball shorts and one of his t-shirts. She had even pulled on a clean pair of his socks and that completed the bazaar outfit choice.

"You can lose the shorts," Daniel suggested. He walked up behind her and hooked an arm around her waist. "Just the long shirt."

"I don't want to risk you taking my underwear again," Gia said, leaning her head back on his shoulder.

"Very cute underwear, by the way," Daniel mused. "I couldn't help but imagine what they would look like on you."

"Well..." Gia slowly turned in his arms to face him. She looked up through her dark lashes and smiled coyly, "I could show you."

A small smile appeared at the corner of Daniel's lips. His eyes scanned Gia's face as he began to lean down, slowly to make sure he kept her waiting.

"I told you," he whispered as he brushed her cheeks with his lips. "I'm going to take my time."

"I know," Gia shivered, feeling his warm breath on her skin. Her body leaned forward until Daniel's hands fell in her hips to keep her steady.

"You're very impatient," Daniel placed a kiss on Gia's forehead and stepped back.

"I can be," Gia turned towards the door. She let Daniel take her hand as he led her out of the hotel suite and towards the elevator. As they made their way to his car, Gia found herself not caring at all about what she looked like. Daniel's scent from his clothes wrapped her tightly as she sat beside him in the car and thought about how fast the night had changed. When she looked over at him, her heart contracted with the thousands of possibilities that were suddenly in front of them.

"What's up?" Daniel asked, noticing Gia staring at him.

"Hypothetically speaking, where would we go?" Gia asked, her voice loud over the wind that played with her hair.

The city lights gleaned on the black of the car as they drove down the streets. Gia's hair flew up and behind her as she gripped her seatbelt with both her hands and watched Daniel, her head laid back against the seat.

"If we were to leave everything behind," Gia added.

"Anywhere we want," Daniel said.

"Do you have a place in mind?"

Daniel nodded.

"What is it?" Gia asked.

"Somewhere by the water," Daniel smiled. "Like the beach."

"The beaches at Del Mare?"

"No," Daniel chuckled. "They'll kill us there."

As he said the words, Daniel noticed the way Gia's smile dropped a bit. The light in her eyes wavered slightly as a look of uncertainty washed over her like a flash of lightning.

"Where would you go?" Daniel asked quickly to keep the dark clouds away. "Paris? France? The south of Italy?"

"Alaska," Gia said quietly.

"Alaska?" Daniel was surprised by her answer. "What's there in Alaska?"

"Nothing," Gia laughed. "Just snow and woods and the wilderness."

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