Ch. 48 Just Like Fire

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Chapter 48

Gia could not think of anything to say as she sat in the passenger seat peering at Daniel with her green eyes wide open and heart lodged into her throat.

Since they had gotten in the car, they had not moved. Daniel sat in the driver's seat staring at Elena's house. His eyes were unreadable, intense, and filled with so many shades of emotions that Gia could not even begin to identify any one. His mind was anywhere else but in his head. Gia watched him toy with the car keys after he took them out and forgot what to do with them. She wanted to reach across the middle and hold his hand to keep them steady. But after several minutes, when he finally turned towards her, Gia got the sense he was suddenly remembering that she was sitting beside him.

"I'm going to need you to drive," Daniel said.

"Okay," Gia nodded. "But are you sure?"

Daniel didn't answer. He handed her the key and stepped out of the car. Gia quickly unlocked her door and climbed out of the passenger seat. She walked around to the other side and paused beside Daniel.

"Where do you want to go?" Gia asked, squinting in the bright sunlight as she looked up at him.

"I don't know," Daniel shrugged.

His eyes were still glued on the house. He swallowed the lump inside of his throat as he turned on his heels and silently walked to the passenger side. Gia waited until he was in the car to step back inside and start the engine. She felt her heart shiver in her chest when she noticed Daniel staring straight ahead with his expression blank. Gia quietly pulled out of the parking spot and pulled away from the house.

Throughout the long drive, Gia's eyes flickered towards Daniel more than they should have. The knot inside of her stomach grew with each mile that she drove closer and closer to the city. Daniel's silence echoed in her ears and the way his jaw worked made Gia want to throw her arms around him and bury her face in his chest.

She wanted to know what was going on inside his head. She wanted him to speak and to let out all his emotions. But the man that sat beside her seemed to not be able to process anything he had just uncovered. From the corner of Gia's eyes, she saw Daniel shake his head as if he was talking to himself.

When she parked outside of Dino's apartment, Daniel all but jumped out of the car and ran into the building. Gia grabbed the keys and her purse quickly before following him inside. She felt the need to say something but every time she looked up at him, her mind blanked. Nothing she thought of worked. What could she say to ease the pain building behind Daniel's eyes?

"I'll be in the other bedroom," Daniel announced as Gia unlocked the apartment door and they stepped inside.

"Okay," Gia nodded. "Do you want something to eat? I could make lunch for us..."

Daniel shook his head, "I'm good."


"Let me know if you need anything," Daniel turned on his heels and headed down the hall. Gia stood motionless as she heard the door to the second bedroom close before silence took over.

She didn't know what to do with herself in the empty apartment. The beautiful sunny day outside seemed unreal compared to the darkness that loomed over their minds. Gia sank down on the sofa and laid back for a few as her mind tried to arrange all the information she had just gathered about Stella.

Did she really not love Luca? Was Luca aware of her feelings? How could Teresa do that to her own daughter?

Gia wanted to go to the clinic and ask Anna about Teresa. She wanted to leave no stone unturned. Any information anyone could share about what happened between Stella and Dante would be crucial.

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