Ch.18 Big Brother

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Chapter 18 Big Brother

"I was in London," Luca said casually as he leaned back in his seat. His eyes followed Gia and Daisy moving around the kitchen making coffee.

"Oh," Gia closed her hands to make sure they didn't tremble as she took the mugs out of the cabinets.

"Coffee?" Daisy turned around with the pot of dark liquid.

"Yes...." Luca nodded, his fingers drumming the counter and his calculating eyes watching the girls. "Please."

Gia stepped aside as Daisy poured three cups of coffee in silence. She passed a mug to Luca before placing the jar of sugar on the counter.

"Who's shirt are you wearing?" Luca shifted his attention to his sister.

"Mine," Daisy answered.

Luca's eyes moved to the blonde, "A little too big to be yours."

"My ex-boyfriend's," Daisy laughed.

"You kept his shirt?" Luca arched his brow.

"I keep a little something from everyone," Daisy shrugged. "You should see my storage unit."

"How many exes do you have?" Luca questioned.

"We don't have enough fingers to count," Daisy picked up her mug. "Cheers."

Luca's eyes darkened, "Why is my sister wearing your ex-boyfriend's shirt?"

"It was my idea!" Gia jumped in.

"Your idea?" Luca asked.

"Yeah," Gia nodded. "After yesterday's phone call, Dee and I were laughing about me being in a t-shirt so we were just messing around and I wanted to see what I would look like."

Luca's eyes narrowed further.

"We may have had too many glasses of wine," Gia shifted her weight.

"Your sister can not handle her alcohol," Daisy threw in. "Is being a lightweight a family trait?"

"Gia," Luca's jaw tensed, but his voice was even. His eyes were grilling Daisy as he spoke to his sister. "Go change. And bring me the flash drive."

"You know I cleaned that shirt, right?" Daisy asked. "I wouldn't let her wear dirty clothes."

"Stop talking," Luca rubbed his forehead.

Daisy gasped loudly, "Let me remind you, you're sitting in my kitchen!"

"You kitchen in my building."

"What?" Daisy leaned back.

"We own the building?" Gia asked, stepping back into the kitchen.

"Yes," Luca sighed. "It belongs to our family."

"I didn't know that," Gia frowned. "When did this happen?"

"We're expanding into real estate," Luca leaned back in his seat once more.

"Since when?"

"Gia," Luca clicked her tongue. "Get me my flash drive. I have a meeting in a few. I would like to be out of here."

"G, hurry up!" Daisy snapped. "The man wants to leave. Let us not keep him for too long."

Annoyed at not knowing anything about what her family was up to, Gia turned on her heels and headed back into the spare bedroom where she had slept the night before. She grabbed her purse off the chair and dug her hand inside to look for the small flash drive. But as her fingers moved around her lipstick, keys, cards, and earrings, Gia's heart began to beat a little faster.

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