Chosen for battle - Steven Grant/Marc Spector X daughter!Reader

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Warnings: swearing (even tho it isn't a warning at this point); kinda spoiler warning for those who haven't seen Moon Knight yet

Talking through the phone

" Hey, this is Layla. I am not available at the moment but please leave a message" I heard the voice of my mother, as I was trying to call her..... again! " Hey mom, it 's me Y/N. When do you think that you and dad are coming back from pyramids? It's been a while since we've done something as a family, you know with dad going MIA the past months and now that he's back we could try again. I know that your jobs require a lot of time but I miss you. Both of you. Please call me back as soon as you can" I said into my phone before falling back onto the couch in our hotel room, pulling the book about Egypt closer to me. I know that my dad had to go away for a certain amount of time but this is the longest he's been away from us, without calling or responding to any of our calls. As I was about to close the book, my phone went nuts and when I was looking at it I noticed that my mom was calling. " Mom?" I immediately asked.
" Darling, it will take a while longer to get back than we thought. Listen carefully darling, you will hear loud noises from outside, whatever you do, do not and I mean DO NOT go outside and lock yourself in the hotel room"
" What? What are you talking about?"
" Please darling just do as I say"
" Are you guys ok?"
" We will be. Don't worry darling, as long as you do what I told you to do, everything will be alright. I love you very much my little scarab"
" I love you too mom. Tell dad that I love him as well and that I can't wait till both of you are back ok?". Before I got an answer I heard a sob and sniffle before I heard my mother 's voice again.
" I will tell him even if he already knows it and we both love you so much. I'll see you later when all of this is finally over". Before I could respond, she hung up on me.
" Great" I thought as I tossed my phone onto the little coffee table. As I was about to stand up, not only to do what my mother has me instructed to do but also to grab myself a new book, I heard some rustling. " Hello?" I asked out loud, not knowing what I was expecting to happen. Before I could lock the door I heard a tapping sound, coming from the windows.
" Y/N Spector? Your parents are in need of help. Your help right now" I heard a young female voice saying. Of course I got startled, given that I was completely alone at the hotel in Cairo right now.
" Who said that" I asked, worriedly looking around before my eyes landed on the fire escape ladder outside our window, where a seemingly young women was seated. Since it 's the middle of the night, I couldn't really make out her features other than bright eyes. " Who are you and what are you doing at the only emergency exit of our hotel room?!"
" Please do not freak out" the young female voice said. I only noticed that she has a very thick accent and must be around my age. " Would you please let me in so I can talk to you properly?" she asked me. " It is kinda urgent"
" Yeah, just give me a second" I told her. Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the window and opened it so the girl could come in, not expecting what I am about to see. When the girl crawled through the window, I noticed that she is way taller than what it seemed when she was outside and she had the head of a cat and a tail. Not really believing what I was seeing I just stared at the girl,.... the cat,.... the cat-girl?. On her head she was wearing a bob with many many little braids and on her her head to cat like ears. She herself was wearing a two piece. Around her neck she was wearing some kind of necklace that also held her detailed top in place. At the top on her arms were two bracelets holding some kind of fabric that is also connected to the bracelets on her wrists. She was wearing an also very detailed skirt with a golden scarab belt. She was barefoot but was wearing some kind of jewelry that matched her bracelets. Even tho she had a human body, she was covered in black fur. In her right hand she was holding a small kind of scepter that I've seen before but couldn't put my finger on where. All in all she was beautiful.
" Alright that is way better already" she said with her thick accent, smiling at me. I still haven't found my voice only staring at her. " Oh, I am so sorry, where are my manners. It is a pleasure to finally meet you Y/N Spector, my name is Bastet" she told me, still smiling my way.
" Bastet? Like the Egyptian goddess of fertility and music and Patron of pregnant women?" I asked her, stunned and kinda starstrucked, given that she was my favorite goddess.
" Well somebody did their homework right" she told me beaming.
" My dad is working a lot in Egypt and my mom told me stories of the great gods of Egypt" I told her now smiling too.
" Right your parents, that is the reason I am here in the first place. They are in great danger" Bastet told me now holding a concerned expression.
" I am sorry, I don 't seem to understand" I told the goddess in front of me.
" I am afraid, that your parents are facing a much greater threat than the gods have originally thought. That is why I am sending you in, you have the strength of both of your parents and will help them to stop Ammit and her Avatar, this time for good" said Bastet with her thick accent.
"But how? How am I supposed to fight alongside my parents against another goddess? I just found out that my dad has DID and is constantly fighting with himself and can't remember me or mom sometimes" I told her on the verge of a Panic Attack. " And what do you mean you are sending me in? What is an Avatar? Do you mean the movie with the blue people?" I rambled on before Bastet put her hand on my shoulder softly interrupting me.
" Your parents are not fighting alone"
" What do you mean?" I asked her confused. I know my parents and almost everyone they are working with and none of their co-workers are fighting against a goddess, a very murderous one at that.
" Your mother gets help from the goddess Taweret and became the golden scarab for the fight. For your father, he gets help from the god of the night sky Khonshu, for quite a while now, better known as Khonshu 's Moon Knight. I suppose that's where his struggles are coming from in the first place" Bastet told me softly.
" I never knew about this" I mumbled, not sure nor not caring if Bastet heard me or not. " How can I help and how are you sending me into the fight?" I asked her, wanting to help my parents as best as I could.
" You are going in as my Avatar. You will receive great power from me and fight, for I cannot take an active part in the world of the mortals. That's what Avatars are for. A god or a goddess choose one mortal to be their avatar to do the work we cannot do in the world. Without an avatar we have no power in this world" she explained to me. " But you can only become my Avatar if you agree to it."
" But I thought you hated to get yourself involved in fights" I asked her confused. If my mother taught me one thing about her is that Sechmet (the goddess resembled with the head of a lion) wouldn't waste a second to get herself involved in a fight, while Bastet wouldn't even think of joining a fight.
" Normally I wouldn't get myself involved but this is a fight of great importance that I can- and will not ignore"
" Then I agree to become your avatar and help my parents fight Ammit" I told her, lightly smiling.
" So be it" she told me smiling.

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