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Thursday 2002

Marshall has finally finished touring and you thought it would be nice to throw a party for him at home with only you and the girls. He hasn't texted you all day, probably because he was mad at you. You and him got into a huge fight last night on the phone over them damn pills he's been taking, but you still decide to let it slide for now and welcome him home properly.

You and the girls went to the store a few hours ago to buy decorations and snacks. As you set up everything on the table Alaina walks up to you.
"(Y/N)?" She calls.

"Mm?" You hum back.

"When's uncle gonna be home?"

"He should be home in about 30 minutes hun." You respond in a sweet voice. She nods with a smile before running back to what ever she was doing with Hailie.

Its finally hit 10PM and you've finished decorating the kitchen. You've got all of his favorite chips and drinks sitting on the table, the girls helped blow up different colored balloons and you put on some of his favorite songs. It was extremely hard having to take care of two girls on your own. The touring ON TOP of him having to film 8 Mile, you barely got to see him. So you're more than excited for Marshall to come back home.

You let the girls stay up late just so they can spend time with Marshall tonight. You all and sit at the kitchen table drinking soda, eating chips and joking around. More Alaina and Hailie rather than all of you. You kinda just sit there caught up in your own thoughts.

It is now 10:52PM... And He isn't here yet. Maybe there's just traffic, yeah. You're worried Marshall isn't gonna make it home. So much shit could have happened. He could have missed his flight, He could have gone on the wrong one... His plane could have crashed! He could be dead! Why the fuck didn't he text you?? You get that he was mad at you, but god damn! He could be laying in the middle of no where.. DEAD. Holy shit. What are you gonna do? How are you gonna be able to take care of these kids on your own?! You can't live without Marshall. He's your love. He's your best friend. He's your everything. How would you explain this to the gir-

Your thoughts get cut off by the girls happy squeals. "Mommy, Daddy's home, daddys home!!" Hailie shouts. You were so caught up in your head you didn't even realize the door bell rang. You might have overreacted, thinking he was dead...He was only an hour late. You have a huge problem with overthinking, obviously.

The girls run to the front door as you trail behind them. "Daddy!" "Uncle!" The girls joyfully scream in unison. As you turn the corner your eyes immediately meet Marshall crouched down holding both Lainey and Hai in a tight hug. "We missed you sooooo much!!" Lainey says. "I missed you too babies!" He says mirroring their excitement filled voices.

Marshall pulls away from the hug giving the girls kisses on the cheek. "We have a surprise for you! Come, come!" Lainey squeals. "I'll be there in a second girls, let me say hi to mommy first." He says looking you in the eyes. "Okay!" They both say running back to the kitchen.

You and Marshall stare at each other waiting for one another to make a move. You're not sure what to do as like you said, you got into a huge fight with him last night about these prescription pills he's been taking. You get that he's sleepy but it seems he takes them all the time! Not just for when he needs a good nights rest, and it's worrying you. Your mom was an addict so you know how this shit plays out, and so was his! He should know to be careful with drugs but he says he knows what he's doing and he's not like his mom.

He's said things he shouldn't have over the phone last night and he was obviously high, or drunk, or more likely both. But you know he didn't mean it, he says and does shit he wouldn't do if he was sober when he's under the influence. You still love him of course, you'll never stop even if he's being a dick. All you want is his love and attention. You've been desperate to feel his gentle touch, to see his cute lil smile, to see his beautiful baby blue eyes. He says fucked up shit to you but you still love him with all of your heart and soul.

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