Regret, Anger, Plessure, Love and then some.

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Pretty long chapter, yall.. so get ready lmao.


1991 11:24PM

You check if your mother is asleep before sneaking out of the house through your window. Not to necessarily do anything bad.. you just wanna go to the store and grab some snacks and a drink. Honestly you haven't been out much since breaking up with Marshall... especially since your mother is the one who made you break up with him and both you and Marshall live pretty close to eachother.

Your mom has never liked ever. Even when you were just friends and completely platonic, she absolutely hated him being around you for some odd reason. You never really knew why. She always said "you could do better" but there has to be a deeper reasoning to it... because your mother has done and said stuff to him that shows she's got some type of deep aggression towards him.. for a reason you do not know of.

Since you or him wouldn't budge no matter what she said or did, she "banned" you from dating or being friends with him ever again.

You didn't listen... and continued on with your relationship, but in secret. And of course not long after... your mom found out and that resulted in her hurting both you and him physically. And she's never hurt you physically.. your mom is a strong woman when it comes to her physical strength.

It's been almost 2 years trying your best to avoid Marshall at all costs. And you've done a pretty damn good job... but it hurts you like hell. This man was your first everything.

Marshall doesn't know your mother is the reason you guys no longer talk. He just thinks you ghosted him for no apparent reason.

Anyways. Enough about that, really. You shouldn't be thinking about it. It'll only make you want him more again. You're finally starting to feel like you're moving on.

Jumping out of your window with some cash in your hand, you make your way to the corner store that isn't far from your house. Only about 3 blocks down.

It's real dark around here.. the only light source come from the street lights that flicker every now and then above your head. Crickets chirping and what sounds like slow jams coming from someone else's house. Obviously very loud since you can hear it all the way from here.

The thought of what they could be doing makes you laugh. Slow jams? This late at night? It's either someone just enjoying their time alone or somebody over here is gettin Slow fucked.

You giggle, shaking your head.

You remain very very cautious of your surroundings as you've just turned 18 and it's nearly 11pm in the worsts of Detroit... you realize coming out this late was a bad idea.

For some reason you get an eerie feeling.

Looking behind you, some guy with a hoodie walks with his hands in his pockets. Not being able to see his face because it's so dark out, you try not to be startled from it. Turning your head back around and subliminally walking at a faster pace than you were before.

All you want is to get a damn honey bun, some other snacks and a drink from the store, dude... you pray this random guy doesn't give you a hard time.

Hearing his footsteps step quicker, you pick up your pace as well. Panicking... do you think you're just paranoid?..

You remember that in order to get to the store you have to pass Marshall's house.. that's why it's been insanely difficult to avoid him. You stop by this store frequently. And he's usually sitting on his front porch with proof or one of his other friends.

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