Record Release Party

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Marshall's POV

Walking into the VIP section, I immediately get hit with a bunch of congratulations. I try my best to keep a smile on my face and not make it obvious that i'm in a bad mood. I don't wanna be asked any questions. I honestly don't even wanna be here, not without (Y/N). I've been waiting all month for her to come back to Detroit and she says she can't make it. She lives all the way down in New fucking Jersey.

She's probably out fucking some other dude, that's why she didn't come. She's never had a problem coming down here before, so what's the deal? I'm not gonna ruin my night over some bitch.. my bitch. I can find another one, I will find another one. Tonight.

Sitting down on the long leather couch beside Proof, I wave down the waiter for a drink. "Where's ya girl?" Proof leans over so I can hear him better, the music in here is crazy loud. Cum On Everybody by... Me. Plays loud through the speakers.

I shrug. "I don't know, and I don't care." I simply reply.. I do care, but i'm trying not to. Like I said, I don't want some slut ruining my big night just cause she wants to get dicked down by some random dude and not me.

Proof gives a 'you-know-you-lyin' Type look. "What? I don't give a fuck if she's here or not. If she doesn't wanna come, then she doesn't have to come, I could care less." I lie straight through my fucking teeth. "Awh, hush nigga. You bull shittin'. You love that girl way to fuckin' much."

I chuckle. "Shit, right now I don't." Again, I lie.

"Doody, chill. Don't ruin this shit with her over somethin' so fuckin' ridiculous, ight?"

"Whatever." I scoff and turn my head away before downing the drink the waiter gave me a few minutes ago.

Proof looks up letting a smile grow on his face. "Ahh, look who it is." He looks at me raising his eyebrows. "What?" I look up to where he was looking and immediately see (Y/N).

What the fuck? I thought she said she couldn't make it...

I quickly get up as her eyes meet mine. She's wearing wearing all black. Black bikini top, baggy cargo pants, and a fur coat. It's plain but she rockin it.

She runs up to me, jumping into my arms and smashing her lips into mine real hard. I chuckle at her excitement through the kiss. I absolutely hate PDA but right now I don't give a shit. I can't help but feel relieved that she came... I really thought she wouldn't come. I coulda got drunker then a bitch and did some shit I coulda regretted.

She hops down out of my hold, giving me on last peck on the lips. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask her as we both sit down. "I wanted to surprise you." She says with a big smile on her face, showing her pretty pearly whites. She definitely surprised me, alright.

I feel bad for saying the shit I did about her earlier, I shouldn't have said it. I should'a known she wouldn't do something like that. This girl gives me everything... and the first thing I do is assume she's cheating? Jesus Marshall.

"Im so glad you came." I give her another small peck on the lips. "You really thought I wasn't gonna come? For your big release party? Who do you think I am?" She acts offended. "Shit, you're the one who gave me all them lame ass excuses on why you couldn't come. Had me thinkin' you was cheatin' or some shit." I kinda joke..

"Well I wasn't, and you shouldn't have thought I was.... Do it again and see what happens." She jokingly threatens me making me chuckle. I play along, raising my hands up in defense. "Ight, ight. I won't." She gives me an innocent smile before Proof comes sitting back down next to us. "Waddup, lil lady?" He greets her, reaching for a side hug. "Hey, Deshaun!"

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