Truth or dare -Pt.1

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You and Marshall are sitting on the floor of your living room, cartoons playing on the TV in the background as you guys play a game of Truth or Dare.

"Truth or dare?" Marshall asks you. You purse your lips together thinking of what to choose. "Dare." You respond. You've been choosing Truths this whole game, so you decided to not be a pussy for once. "You finally fuckin' choose dare, god damn." He jokes. You roll your eyes at him. "Don't make me change my mind."

"Okay, okay." Marshall chuckles. "I dare you..." He looks around thinking of what to dare you. "I dare you to take an ice bath."

What a bitch. He knows damn well you hate cold shit. "Marshall are you serious?" He nods his head curling his lips together in a smirk. You roll your eyes laughing. You knew you shouldn't have picked dare. "You're an asshole."

"But, you love me." You shake your head rolling your eyes again. "You know if you roll your eyes too much they gon' get stuck in the back of ya head." He says with a smirk. You roll your eyes once again at his stupid cliche joke. "Haha." You fake laugh with a straight face making him push his tongue in his cheek to conceal his laughter. He gets up from the floor and reaches for your hand pulling you up.

He drags you to the bathroom grunting with ever pull he makes. "Cmon!" You made it as hard as you could for him to take you to the restroom. You seriously don't like cold water.

He starts the bath turning the nob to the right so it will be cold. "Ughh." You cross your arms together. "Ahh, you'll be fine, (Y/N)." He reassures with a smile. "Nooo, I won't, you know I hate cold water." He shrugs his shoulders. "Sounds like a you problem." You roll your eyes. "Bitch." You mutter jokingly under your breath as Marshall walks out of the bathroom. "Yo, I heard that!" He says loud enough that you'll hear him. You chuckle. You guess since he left the restroom he's going to get the ice. Great. You sit on the side of the tub checking the water temperature. It's already cold as fuck and the ice ain't even in yet.

Marshall comes back with in seconds holding a big bag of ice. "You excited?" He asks bouncing his eyebrows up and down. "Yes, i'm thrilled." You respond in a sarcastic tone. Marshall gives you a smirk before putting the ice in the tub. "Ight, hop in lil' lady." You look at him, and back at the water, and back at him, and back at the water. Marshall nods his head towards the tub encouraging you to get in. You reach your hand down to feel the coldness. Fuck no.

"Uh uh!" You try to run away, knowing Marshall would probably push you in. But he grabs your arm before you could even step foot out of the bathroom. "Nope! Ya gotta get in, don't be a pussy!" He says laughing. He pulls you into a hold. Your back against his chest as you try wiggling your way out of his arms. "Marshall no! It's way too cold!" You whine out with laughs. "Oh well!" Marshall tries to push you in the tub, but you catch your self on the side of it before falling in.

"Woooowwww, Marshall! How rude!" You joke pushing him in instead. He grabs you before falling in making you go down with him. You're surprised neither of you hurt yourselves, the tub isn't big.

A large amount of water splashes out of the bathtub from impact. You and Marshall both shout. "Oh shit!" Your body tenses up from the coldness of the water. If it was any colder your body would probably go into shock. But again, you hate the cold. So you're probably just overreacting.

Your head unexpectedly goes underwater causing you to accidentally breath in some of it. You pull your head up and cough trying to get the water out. Your chest burns from the cold liquid lingering around in the wrong pipe. Your eyes water from the sensation. "Shit, you good?" Marshall asks worriedly, patting your back. "Yeah." You respond with a strained voice.

Finally feeling like you can breath normally, you look at Marshall, Marshall looks at you, you both look at all of the water on the floor, and finally look back at each other bursting into laughter. "Look at all the mess you made!" Marshall laughs. "Me? YOU pulled ME in!" You respond pointing at him and then you. "Nah, your fat ass is what caused this shit, d'you see the splash you made? It was HUGE." Marshall jokes. "That's how it is huh?" You ask smiling. Marshall nods still dying of laughter. You make a wave in the water using your arm and splash it on him. "What the fuck!" He flinches. You laugh at him. "That's what you get, bitch!" Marshall try's getting the water out of his eyes before splashing you with some.

It turns into a water fight getting more, and more messy by the second. The water doesn't feel as cold now that you're used to it, thank god. "You know you're gonna have to clean this up, right?!" Marshall continues to laugh splashing more water on you. You do it back to him. "Fuck no! You're cleaning this up, not me." You laugh. "Motherfucka, it's your house!" He splashes more water on you. You reach your hands down to get back at him, but there's barely any water left in the tub. You look on the floor and the entire bathroom floor is covered with water. "Oh my god." You smack your lips. Should've thought this out before doing it, huh?

You and Marshall get out of the tub, carefully walking across the bathroom floor trying not to fall. "Yo, be carefu-" Marshall's sentence gets cut off from a loud thud. Damn that's embarrassing. "Shit!" You hit your ass on the floor. "I told you to be careful." He laughs at you. "Not funny." You roll your eyes at him. He lifts you up and you both successfully make it out of the bathroom.

Both you and Marshall make way to your bedroom closet grabbing all the towels you can find.

After a few minutes, almost all of the water is cleaned from the floor and both of you changed into different clothes for the night to stay warm. You sit on the couch covered in blankets. You're still cold even with the heater on.

Marshall said he was hungry and so did you so he went to find something to eat in your fridge."Yo! You want some ice cream?"

"Fuck no! It's too cold for that shit." You answer shaking your head. Marshall laughs in response.

He finally comes back with a mug of something. He hands it to you. "I made you some hot chocolate since you were sooooo cold." You roll your eyes and smile. "Thanks, Marshall."

"Yeah, no problem." He leans back on the couch. "By the way you ain't got shit good in ya fridge, so imma go get some stuff from the store." Marshall gets up from the couch. You totally forgot to go grocery shopping. "Oh thanks, I forgot to get groceries yesterday."

"I ain't grocery shoppin' for your lazy ass i'm just gettin' a few snacks." He
jokes. You chuckle. "Dickhead." You look back at the TV. Some kid is getting his hair bleached. You have no idea what show movie, or commercial this is but it brings a thought to your mind. You should totally get back at Marshall for what he dared you to do. "Wait Marshall!" You call just as he's opening the front door. His head snaps towards you. "Yeah?"

"Truth or dare?" He looks at you confused. You raise your eyebrows encouraging him to answer. "Dare." He says confidently. You give him a grin. "I dare you to let me dye your hair blonde!"

"That would be funny right?" He says thinking you're just joking. Your face turns straight. "Oh, shit, you're serious?" His eyebrows raise. You nod your head yes. "I ain't no pussy bitch like you, so bet." He laughs quickly walking through the door before you could say anything. You don't actually think he's gonna buy the hair bleach. He'll probably pussy out while he's looking for it, but we'll see.

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