Vol. 1 Chapter Two - The Byrne Crisis.

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September 14th, 2022.

AZLsys update complete, emotional core V10 is up and running.

Zoe woke up to her being cuddled by Tyrone.

She woke him up.

Zoe: What are you doing in my bed, Tyrone?

Tyrone: Wha- Oh shit, what did I do?

Zoe: I would like an answer.

Tyrone: Damnit, I must be sleepwalking again.

Zoe: Sleepwalking?

Tyrone sat up.

Tyrone: When I was younger, I would always walk around in my sleep. I had no control, and I didn't even know I was doing it. I kept falling asleep in my bed, but waking up in my mom's... It always seems to happen in times I'm incredibly stressed... Y'know, like when I've been kicked out of my own home... Cuddling always seems to help me out... I am so sorry, Zoe...

Zoe: It's fine, but we need to deal with this stress.

Zoe held him close.

Zoe noticed something, an abnormality in her coding. It was like her body was going into a state of panic.

Zoe: Tyrone, I feel weird.

Tyrone: How so?

Zoe: My chest feels like it's gonna explode.

Tyrone slowly backed away.

Zoe: Not literally! I'm designed so that me destruction can't come from a flaw in my design... I can't blow up.

Zoe's eyes turned pink, and her cheeks turned a deeper shade of blue.

They got dressed and headed to the kitchen, where they saw Linselle and George talking, Barry sitting on Jeremy's lap, Kylie helping Xen into a chair, and Gil washing dishes that he used last night.

Zoe couldn't take her eyes off Tyrone.

Tyrone started making a couple of hamburgers (with soy patties because Ty feels weird eating beef). One for him, and one for Zoe.

Zoe was confused.

Zoe: What is this?

Tyrone: Please tell me you can eat.

Zoe: I mean, I can, but I've only ever eaten salads. I have no idea what this is.

Tyrone: This, is a hamburger. It's a part of the sandwich family of foods.

Zoe: And a sandwich is..?

Tyrone: Basically, if you take two pieces of bread, and put anything between them, you have a sandwich.

Zoe: I see.

Tyrone: Do you know what bread is?

Zoe: Yes, I know what bread is. Momma Ashe eats a lot of raw bread.

Tyrone chuckled.

Tyrone: What?

Zoe: She just eats raw slices of bread. Doesn't even toast them, she just eats bread raw.

Tyrone: We talking, wheat bread, white bread, rye, sourdough... There's a lot of types of bread.

Zoe: The bag says white bread.

Tyrone looked disgusted.

Not long after, did Jay introduce himself and leave.

Zoe: We should check out the town.

They headed into the town.

~10 years ago.

Zoe: Mama, am I a real girl?

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