Vol. 2 Chapter one - The Beast Within.

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September 2022, 19th. 7 am.

Jay woke up next to Tya.

He kissed her on the forehead.

Jay got dressed in an oversized t-shirt he has and some sweatpants before going to the living room.

Jay: Hey, Gil.

Gil: Oh: Hello, my lord. I'm busy at the moment, so you'll have to hold on.

Gil typed up a memo and sent it to his assistant.

Jay: Alright, cool.

Jay started cooking.

An: Good morning.

Jay: Morning- who are you?

Gil: I adopted her with Sarah yesterday. An, introduce yourself to the prince.

An: Will do, pops.

An bowed to greet the prince.

An: My name is An Ryne, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, your majesty.

Jay: I'm gonna get this out of the way now, do not treat me like royalty. I gave up that life when I debuted my betrothed on international television. Speaking of which, I'm making her breakfast in bed since I was too busy training to spend time with her for the last few days, and she's come down with a cold.

An: Awwe, that's so nice.

Jay: I go above and beyond for her. After all, she saved me from certain death, twice.

Seven years prior.

Young Jay had a knife in his hand and was fighting a boar.

Jay: Die!

Jay went to stab it, but it impaled him with its tusks and rammed him into a tree.

Jay let out a primal scream and started biting it.

Just then, there was a bang, and the boar fell over, lifeless. The young Tya had shot the boar dead.

Jay coughed up blood.

Jay: I wish you hadn't done that. A hound's prey is worthless if they can't kill it themselves.

Tya: Shut up, you've got a massive wound.

Tya brought out her med kit.

Tya: Wait, aren't you the prince of Canidlune?

Jay: My father was a brilliant hero, and that's all I'll ever be known by? Pathetic.

Tya: Aye... In the end, the world does not remember family, but status, and legend.

Tya bandaged him up.

Tya: Listen, you have to come with me and get healing.

Jay: No! A real hero heals naturally! No assistance from healers-

Jay coughed up even more blood.

Tya: Don't exert yourself, you're just gonna make your injuries worse.

The young Tya pulled him over her shoulder and brought him into town.

Tya: I need a healer! Anyone!

The crowds just stared at the young hound on her shoulder and returned to what they were doing.

Tya: Oh come on! Just because he's a hound his life is worth less? That's the exact kinda thinking that led to us becoming prey!

Tya dragged him into an empty area and laid him on the floor.

Tya: All the healers won't take you, shit. Listen, I can heal you, but... I'm gonna need you to take off your shirt, and, it's gonna cost me something since I'm so inexperienced.

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