Vol. 5 Extra. Francisco's Guide To Multiverse. #1

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Alright, Class, I'm your teacher, Francisco Brightheart. Welcome, to my guide to the Multiverse!

Today, we'll be talking about, races and magic!

Now, the world's races are vast, and there are many subraces, like Dragon Tamers, and Drow. 

Are known for one thing, and one thing only, their incredible affinity with magic!
By nature, Elves are blessed with Light Affinity Magic as their racial magic and are known to be protective of their homelands.
They were the second race known to split off from humanity, and still thrive today. Because of this, they look exactly like humans but with longer ears. It's rare for Elves to have tan skin, but not unheard of.

The Drow,
However, are known for much less glamorous reasons...
The very first Drow were those labeled as traitors to the Elves, abandoned in the Underdark, over time they were changed by the Underdark, and with its close connection to the Underworld, it tainted their magic, bodies, and souls, turning their skin purple, and their hair white. While this did not come with any inherent change in moral standing, the overworld did not see it the same way. After all, they were traitors. They would have to be amoral to betray their fellow Elves, right? In truth, it was a political dispute. Poetically, their light magic cast a shadow upon the Underdark, so the Drow's magic turned to shadows.

Are known for their minor blessings and the good luck they bring, closer related to Angels than modern humans.
Pixies don't have a natural magic affinity, but they are highly compatible with creative natural magics, like plants, earth, and life.

Nymphes, and Fauns.
One of the humanoid races known to be extremely sexually dimorphic, they're not related to humans, but they're lesser nature deities of sorts. This makes them compatible with humanity. Nymphes typically have colored skin according to their associated piece of nature. Fauns look like the god Pan, humans with goat lower halves, and have really big... you don't need to know that! They much like Pixies, have a tendency towards nature magics but aren't limited to creative nature.

Are cursed humans, cursed to turn into all sorts of animals on full moons. They often end up alone, and accidentally killing their loved ones.

Are cursed humans, cursed to wander the night in search of blood for sustenance.

Are plenty and varied. There's a tribe for each group of species in the world. Dogs, Cats, Wolves, Panthers, if it's domesticated or wild, it's got a Beastfolk subrace. To those from the magicless worlds, they resemble furry/scaly/feathered humans, with minor aspects of their creature (Wolves with small snouts, birds with beaks, and lizards with tiny little snoots. Ears, and tails). They're known for being wonderful survivalists, with a rather unique connection to Beast Magic. They're the result of a powerful magus from Eden, who had been running experiments on animals to see if they could learn to manipulate and harness Mana. The process sped up evolution, evolving them into a human-like species of anthropomorphic creatures. Inexplicably, they're somehow able to reproduce with humans, leading to...

Beast-Human Hybrids,
Are rare to encounter, usually the result of a horny human bard and Beast prostitute. They tend to be more human than Beastfolk, looking just like humans but with the typical ears/tails of their beast parent. They look like typical kemonomimi. 

True Merfolk,
Are an entire species of fish-people, a project from before humanity, an attempt at an underwater society by the 18th god. Most often conflated with the aquatic Beastfolk Varients, are actually the ancestors of said aquatic beastfolk. Beastfolk mated with True Merfolk creating Aquatic Beastfolk. They came in all sorts of clans, ranging from the entertainment-loving Minnows to the battle-lusting Sharks, and more! 

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