Vol. 2 Chapter Five - The True Beginning

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September 25th, 1763.

Barry was resting in the palace.

Barry: {When can I leave?}

Musashi: {We have to wait till father calls us to the throne room, I remember this day clear as the water that rushes past our gills.}

Barry: {Father? Wait, wasn't your father notoriously abusive?}

Musashi: {Tough love, abuse, it was the same thing when I was a kid.}

Barry: {Mitsuki, help me!}

Mitsuki: {Your first mistake was coming to me for help.}

Musashi got out of bed.

They changed into some era-appropriate clothing.

Barry: {So not my style.}

Musashi: {Unfortunately we're too late in history to wear a dress and get away with it.}

Mitsuki: {Barry. your style is women's clothing.}

Barry: {Hey, I like being cute and feminine.}

Mitsuki: {Being feminine doesn't automatically make you cute.}

Musashi's mother, Lady Kizuna Midori walked in.

Kizuna: There you are, sweetie. I looked all over the castle for you yesterday, and I couldn't find you.

Musashi: Sorry, mother, I was out exploring with Tristan and Cairbre.

Kizuna: I swear, Sojiro, you're going to hurt yourself going out there.

Musashi: That's not my name anymore! It's Musashi!

Kizuna: I know, I know, it's just hard for me to let go of the times you were just a little tadpole.

Barry chuckled.

Barry: {Sojiro? The irony!}

Musashi: {Shut up, it was my grandfather's name.}

Kizuna held Musashi tight.

Kizuna: Come now, it's time for your bath.

Musashi: {You might not want to watch after this, it gets pretty weird.}

Mitsuki: {How so?}

Musashi: {Well, she deep cleans me herself, with her hands, in the most private of places.}

Barry: {Jay, that is weird.}

Meanwhile, to the west of Eurona, around Lake San Antonio.

Zoe had ridden all the way from the hills of Eurona to the shore of the lake on the InuNeko Bike. (A bike that is a combo of Inu and Neko.)

Zoe: Where is he? He has to be somewhere around here. My Ty-Ty needs me.

Zoe pulled up her map on her UI. It showed an entire map she had charted with a drone she made out of nanites.

Zoe: Let's see, twenty yards northwest- that's inside the lake! Don't worry, Ty-Ty, mama's coming.

Zoe closed her map and dived into the lake.

She swam down at least 16 feet before she found Tyrone's unconscious drowning body tied to a cement block.

She started trying to break the chains holding him there,

They remained steadfast and Zoe couldn't break them.

Zoe: (What do I do if I can't break the chains..? OH, DUH!)

Zoe picked up the cement block and Tyrone and swam up to the shore.

Zoe checked his vitals, he had no pulse.

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