Vol. 1 Chapter Five - The Lynches.

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2022, September 16th. 2 am.

George woke up next to Linselle, with Theo nowhere is sight.

George: (Didn't sleep long, did I? Wait, where's Theodosia?)

George got dressed in some pants and left the room.

In the hallways, he sees Theo messing with the lights.

George: Theo, get down from there.

Theo: No.

George: Theo, I command you, get down from there.

Theo: Make me.

George started flying up there.

George: Theo, you underestimate me.

Theo taunted him.

George grabbed her by the chest, (which is where the bauble is located, a slime is always connected to their bauble as long as they're alive, as it's kinda their heart/brain), and braught Theo down to the ground.

Theo: Wow, you're strong, papa.

George: And don't forget it.

Theo: Papa...

George: Yeah?

Theo: Why don't you look like gramps?

George: Well, that's... Okay, I'll tell ya, but you gotta let me get something to drink first.

Theo: Okie.

Theo shrunk and got on his shoulder.

George walked to the kitchen and got some coffee.

Theo: Can I have some?

George: I still need to ask your mother.

Theo: Aw...

George: Take a seat.

Theo hopped over the the table.

George sat down.

George: So, to answer your question, I'm adopted.

Theo: What does that mean?

George: It means, my parents didn't want me, so the left me in a shopping cart for someone else to find me and raise me. The government found me and I got put in an orphanage. Then, the lovely Lizancos came along and took me under their metaphorical wing. Of course, other orphans come from many different origins, abandoned, parents died, taken away for the good of their own health.

Theo: Papa, you wouldn't do that to me, would you?

George: Theo... Of course not, I love my strange little creation...

George messed with Theo's hair.

George sat there, just, sipping his coffee.

Theo: Have you ever though of seeking them out?

George: Nope, and I don't want to.

Theo: Why?

George: They left me, in a shopping cart. They didn't want me, I don't want them, simple as that.

Theo: What if they regret doing that?

George: That's on them, not me. If they really regretted throwing me away, they would've done something to come find me.

Theo: What if they didn't have the means to?

George: Then they could've at least reached out. I was the most popular guy in school, they would've heard the news that George Lynche was still in town if I had any biological siblings. I was also the most talked about person in the school forums, because every gal in town had a crush on me. Except your mom.

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