The New Classes

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I think the exchange students are making it up.

I mean seriously! They probably just put spells on themselves. There is no such thing as a demigod.

Anyway, I explained it to Hermione. She looked appalled. She said, "If Snape is one, which he showed, then I believe it. You are so dense."

Then I walked into DADA. I saw that Percy and Annabeth were the teachers.

"Oi! You guys can't be teachers!" I yelled.

Percy answered, "Yes we can. Dumbledore appointed us. Go talk to him if you want to."

I sank down in my chair in defeat. If Percy was so confident, then it must be the truth, right?

"Okay," Annabeth started. "We are going to talk about the prophecy Jason said yesterday."

Percy cut her off from there. "'Nine shall travel to the wizarding world.' We know those nine are us demigods."

Annabeth said, "'To ally for the rising darkness' Maybe a foe is coming back and wizards and demigods have to ally to stop it."

Percy continued, "' Suspicion, pride and jealousy shall cause faults.' Uhhhhh. Annabeth, I know you'll kill me for this but your fatal flaw is pride soooooo..."

What did that mean?

Her expression hardened. "Fine," she muttered.

Then Piper raised her hand. When she was called on she said, "In the line 'but in the end the world must fall," the 'world could mean Gaea. In the last Great Prophecy, the line 'to storm or fire the world must fall" meant Gaea would fall and Leo would ummm... die." Leo cringed at this.

"Good theory, Piper," Annabeth mused. "Anyone have an idea of who the 'rising darkness' is?"

Hermione called out, "Voldemort?"

Percy's face went slack and he muttered, "Oh gods. Gaea and Voldemort teamed up. This is not going to be good. Last time so many demigods were killed. This time... Oh gods. What if she opens the Doors of Death again? What if we have to go through Tartarus again? What if..."

He came up with a bunch of more what ifs. But what were the Doors of Death? What is Tartarus?

My head was swimming with what he said. He didn't mention those in the speech he gave. Before long Annabeth announced the class dismissed.

Hermione POV

This explains so much! Like why they sometimes forgot their wands. Like why they had a different aura! Like- I should probably stop.

But in DADA I heard Percy mention going through Tartarus again. They couldn't have been through Tartarus! That place is Greek hell! But what are the Doors of Death? I'll have to go to the library later.

As I headed to Potions, I couldn't help but admire the demigods. They were true heroes. They've been through two wars! Two bloody wars! It made defeating Voldy seem small.

I decided I was going to stand with them no matter what.

A/N that is it for the chapter! Write another time!
- da Dam author

When the Demigods go to Hogwarts (A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now