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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO, HOO, or Harry Potter.
Once again, I can't thank my little midgets enough! Thank you for how many reads I have got! I love you all!
On with the chapter!


I can't believe those demigods!

They just waltz into the school and steal Hermione! We've been friends for years!

I saw Ginny laughing with them at DADA. First they steal Hermione and now Ginny?!

Well I won't let them.

I went over, pulled Ginny aside, and said, "Oh, so now you are siding with them to now, huh?"

She looked at me angrily and replied, "Hermione told me about the things you said to them. I would rather side with them than you even if you are my brother."

With that she went back to them, leaving me dumbfounded. Now my own sister was siding with them?

Then I realized that if my own sister was siding with them, then I have been a jerk. I made up my mind to apologize to them.

I went over to Harry and told him that. "Harry, I am going to apologize to the demigods. We have been jerks."

"No way Ron! I am not apologizing to them."

That also left me dumbfounded. Then I decided that if Harry wasn't going to apologize, it would be his problem. He would have no friends. While I would get the best friends I could ask for.

I went over to them and said, "I am sorry for the way I acted. It wasn't right. I just thought that you guys were stealing Hermione and, well, she has been my friend for years. So sorry."

They looked at each other. They were seeming to have a private conversation. Then the one named Leo, the fire user, stepped forward and said, "We forgive you, man!"

Percy said, "I can understand bro."

I smiled to them and said, "Thanks."

Then I realized I had never felt better in my life.

Harry POV

Wow. I never thought Ron would be this gullible.

First, he goes crushing on Annabeth well knowing she has a boyfriend, Percy,(A/N well, Harry, as I remember, you went crushing on Piper well knowing she has a boyfriend, Jason.) next, he starts making friends with the demigods which he hated for a month or so!

I shake those thoughts out of my head, grab a sword, and start dueling with Seamus Finnigan.
Percy POV

I am glad Ron apologized.

It turns out he's really nice. I can understand why he would act like how he did before.

Wow... I understood something... I am proud of myself. :)))))

I gave Ron a sword he could hold and swing. I showed him a mixture of Greek and Roman fighting. That way it will be harder to anticipate his next move. For the opponent. Or the bad guy. Or the meanie. Or the poopoo head.

Heheh. Poopoo head.

That sounds funny.

Oh gods... what is my ADHD doing to me?

Ron is actually a really good fighter He will be really helpful in the war.

I went over to Ginny and Hermione. Hermione was using a dagger while Ginny was using a bow and arrows and a dagger.

I told them to go in closer when using a dagger and since I suck at archery, I told Ginny to concentrate.

I saw people dueling, throwing knives, and shooting arrows. A lot of people here were good. I smiled. There was no way we could lose this war.
Yo little midgets!

A chappie is presented before thee!

See ya, little midgets?

-da dam author

When the Demigods go to Hogwarts (A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now