A... Dragon?

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I don't think I have writer's block anymore! Anyways,


Professor McGonnagol POV

We set our forces out in front of the castle like we did in the wizarding war. Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter had sent some demigods here, and we had sent some wizards there. Each rank had five to eight demigods.

I set out the gargoyles and had the shield charm cast around the school. I thought we were ready.

Then I saw the army of Death Eaters and monsters marching to Hogwarts.

And Merlin, it was huge! It had at least thirty more people than last time.

We can still pull it off, right?


The army was huge! I don't know how we can win, but with the demigods we should be able to, right?

Harry stepped forward.

"Voldemort!" he called. This made many people gasp, as they still used 'You-Know-Who.' "We beat you last year! We will beat you again!" Ahhh. This was the good, old, optimistic Harry.

But Voldemort cackled evilly. "You have been weakened. In this weak state, you are vulnerable."

I stepped up. "We can still beat you! We have the demigods' help!"

Moldy responded, "We have monsters! And we have a special surprise!"

Out came this huge serpent, as big as the castle. It had these scales that looked to be made of bronze. It was really thick. The weirdest part? It was half pink, half blood red.

I heard Hermione, who was next to me and now my girlfriend, whisper, "Drakon."

I asked, "Dragon?"

She responded, "No, drakon. They are a lot older than dragons, some breathe fire, they spit poisonous acid that will kill you if you make contact with it, and they have scales stronger than titanium. I don't know why this is half pi-" She gasped.

Her face twisted to a face radiating anger.

She shouted, "You... You... This is insulting! You're an a-"

Moldy cut her off. "Yes, Ms. Granger. This can only be killed by a daughter of Aphrodite and a daughter of Ares working together."

She yelled, "I hate you! How dare you insult my sister, Silena! She was a hero! She sacrificed herself to save us and you humiliate her?!" She had tears in her eyes.

She unsheathed her dagger and started to run forward. I had to hold her back.

The crooked Warlock continued, "Pity that Clarisse isn't here. She's defending camp."

I questioned to Hermione, "Who's Clarisse?"

She answered with her voice wavering, "She is known as Clarisse La Rue, drakon slayer. In the second Titan war, there was a drakon attacking. The Ares cabin had a fight over some chariot. Clarisse made sure that they didn't help in the war. This drakon that was attacking could only be killed by a child of Ares. Silena, one of my sisters, a spy for the Titans, and Clarisse's best friend, tried to save the camp by stealing Clarisse's armor and spear to try to kill the drakon. She led the Ares cabin into war. She got killed and revealed herself as the spy. Clarisse was there at the time in which she was dying. She took her spear and charged the drakon without any armor. She killed it. She is probably the only one in camp who can kill a drakon. Silena was known as a hero for sacrificing herself to make things right." By the end she had tears streaming down her face.

I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and reassure her. But I couldn't. Not in battle.

Then, Fawkes flew down out of nowhere and dropped the sorting hat right in front of me.

My gut instinct was to see if the sword was there. And it was. Of course, now that we had swords and stuff, it wouldn't come to that much use.

I only had one option though. To unsheath the sword. So I did that.

For a second, I saw fear in Moldy's eyes. If it had not been for this sword, he wouldn't have died.

He quickly covered that up with laughter. I don't know why though. He didn't say anything after that.

Then, the drakon charged. So I did the thing that came naturally. I ran.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nico sink into a shadow. He couldn't be backing out now, could he?

I called after him, but he traveled away. Brilliant. As I kept running, I saw him come back, but this time he brought someone.

She had beady eyes, brown stringy hair, and a stocky build. She wore camo. In her hand, she had a spear, sparkling with electricity. Strapped on her back was another spear identical. She looked like she could kill you with a single blow. She was built for war.

A spear, stocky build, and looking like she could kill made the pieces fit together. This was Clarisse.

She ran off. She stopped by Hermione and whispered something in her ear. They ran off... toward the drakon.

Hermione raced up the body of the drakon with such speed it was hard for my eyes to comprehend it. She stabbed an eye out. That didn't kill it, but it did a good job of making it angry.

Clarisse was readying her spear to throw, but it was facing the wrong way. The butt of the spear was pointed up.

She threw it upwards, toward Hermione. I, who had been frozen in place, ran forward. I wanted to at least help, or make sure that Hermione would be alright.

But then Hermione miraculously caught the spear! She stabbed it into the other eye of the drakon. The shaft broke, and the body of the drakon bathed in electricity. Hermione jumped free, yelled something, and ran away. The other people ran away too. The drakon's insides disintegrated and it collaped into a pile of scales.

I ran up to her. "How did you-" I was cut off by a kiss.

Clarisse ran up to us. She slapped Mione on the arm which almost made her double over.

"Nice fighting out there! You'll be popular at camp, now," she almost yelled.

Hermione smiled weakly. She nodded. Then she said, "Ron, meet Clarisse, one of my best friends at camp. Daughter of Ares. Clarisse, meet Ron, my boyfriend."

Clarisse answered, "Well, punk, gotta go. Bye 'Mione!" Hermione acknowledged as Clarisse ran off.

I stared at Hermione. My view of her was completely different. She could kill a drakon, something even Percy couldn't do.

She smirked. "Don't just stand there. We have a war to fight."

And we ran off into battle.

When the Demigods go to Hogwarts (A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now