Piper's Considerings

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OMG GUYS! IN TWO DAYS IT'S MA BDAY!!!! I AM GOING TO WATCH THE NEW AVENGERS MOVIE!!!!! YAY! *starts fangirling over Avengers* oh... I am supposed to be writing a Harry potter/Percy Jackson fanfic... *starts fangirling over those 2* I should probably stop.

Harry POV

I hate the demigods, especially Percy.

I am supposed to get the fame! I had defeated Voldemort! I was supposed to have girls swooning over me! Not him! I am pretty sure they are all death eaters. When I saw Percy and Annabeth dueling I thought I saw something like the dark mark on Percy's arm.

The demigods come along and they waltz around like they own the school. I'm not going to let it happen.

At lunch, I said to Nico, "Percy and Annabeth may have been through a lot but that is it. You guys don't know what pain is."

I realized that was a big mistake. I looked into his eyes and they radiated pure anger. They had hellfire burning in them. Black fire that looked like it could kill you if you were just in its presence.

"If you knew what I had been through, you would be wondering why you were still sane and alive like I am," he said with venom and hate dripping from his words. I realized he never said what he has been through at that speech. Then he punched me. Hard. In the stomach.

I stormed to my lunch. I couldn't believe he just did that! Doesn't he know that I am much stronger than him?

I turned to him and said, "I am much stronger than you so don't even try to do anything to me."

He sneered and muttered something about shadows and a sword that can rip your soul out just if you touch it.

What was that?

That guy has got to be a death eater.

I turned and ate my lunch.

Piper POV

I can't believe that Harry guy!

First, he flirts with me and then he make Nico angry by saying he doesn't know what pain is! Nico"s been through more pain than anyone here and he's one of the youngest! Unless you count the years he was in the Lotus Hotel and Casino, but still!

As I got ready for Charms, I thought about charmspeaking Harry into taking a header. It seemed like an okay idea. He might get knocked out.

In charms, we did the incendio charm. Professor Slughorn gave Leo 15 points. Duh!

Oh gods... I am starting to sound like Drew!

Throughout the whole day, I saw people emitting a pinkish-red aura, meaning that they had a crush on someone. They were also staring at us. Mostly it was Annabeth and Percy but it was also Will, Jason, Leo, Nico, Hazel, and I. A guy even asked Annabeth out. She punched him in the gut. So did Percy.

I also saw jealous auras, a brownish one. The people with those gave some of us death glares.

Oh well.

The day went normally.

When I got slept I sadly didn't get a dreamless sleep.

Next chappie will be told by the nine plus the Golden Trio. (Okey... Maybe not.)Though the only ones Golden are Leo and Piper.
See ya!
-da Dam author

When the Demigods go to Hogwarts (A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now