Still the Train Ride

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Frank POV
This train ride was taking a long time.

Anyways, we were on our way to Hogwarts a wizarding school. Jason,

Leo, Piper, Hazel, Jason, Will, Nico and I were chatting when this blond boy came up to our booth place.

He said, "Are you purebloods, halfbloods, or mudbloods?" We all answered with the option of halfbloods.

"Hmph." He walked away.

I wonder what that was about.

Harry POV

How did they not know who I was?
Okay... Backtrack Harry.
There were these new wizards. I noticed they were American. They also seemed quite young. (A/n yah, yah. They have to repeat their year because of the attacks.)

They knew Neville too. They apparently went to the same summer camp.

They said they were part of an exchange program.

Anyway... So when I introduced myself, there was no fangirling or any sign showing that they know who I am.

I saved the wizarding world!

I noticed that Ron had a crush on Annabeth, who is a blonde with stormy grey eyes and a deep tan that looks like she can kick your butt.

Hermione had a crush on Percy who was pretty muscular, had black, wind blown hair, and a deep tan.

They also had a strange broken look In their eyes, like they went through hell. I bet they didn't go through as much as me! I bet their lives were perfect next to mine!

They also had an aura, like they were really strong.

They were weird.

An. End of chapter! P.S neither romione nor Hinny has happened. Dumbledore and Snape and Fred and Draco's lackey are alive!
- da Dam Author

When the Demigods go to Hogwarts (A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now