Percy Whoops Harry's Butt

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Hey little midgets!

FIRST THINGS FIRST( I'm the realist, sorry couldn't resist) TODAYS MA BDAY!


Before you do anything in yo life, thou must listen to this song. Tis one of da bestest ever!!!!

Also, King of the Underworld! Who does that remind you of?

I am weird... Yesterday I started partying because I burped seven times in one hour... Yeah...

But anyway! We mustn't worry about that! On with the chappie!!


Neville POV

As we went to Care for Magical Creatures, I heard we were focusing on horses. Percy seemed siked. I even heard him sing, "Easy A for Percy today!"

Haha. He's so stupid sometimes. I can see why he is called Seaweed Brain and Kelp Head.

Hagrid said, "Hi Percy. So yer like horses?" Percy had raised his hand.

Percy was jumping with joy. "Yup!"

"We'll come on down yer!"

"So this Pegasus is named Shade, Shade, say hi to Percy!" It was a fully black pegasus. It looked familiar.

Percy turned to Shade and said, "Hello, Blackjack, and don't call me boss. No, I don't have donuts."

So that's why it looked so familiar! This was Blackjack!

Harry laughed at him and said, "His name is Shade! Of course, you think you can talk to horses, you being bonkers."

Percy smirked and replied, "It's a son of Poseidon, thing since he was the father of the first Pegasus. He also created horses."

Harry looked smug. "Prove it."

"Blackjack, you ready?"

The horse bobbed his head. Percy hopped on and flew into the air. They did loops, turns, barrel rolls, and some other tricks.

He landed right in front of Harry. Both Harry and Hagrid looked dumbfounded.

He turned to Hagrid.

"This is my pegasus, Blackjack."

He went back into the crowd, leaving everyone in shock.

*after classes, in common rooms*

We were just sitting in the common room studying for the Potion exams when Harry walked in.

"Percy, I want a sword fight. I bet you'll be crying for your mum."

I almost laughed out loud. If it's anyone, Harry will be crying for his mum. Percy is the best sword fighter in 300 years. He doesn't like to be questioned about it too because it makes him mad. When he is mad he goes a 100 times harder.

Anger flared in Percy's eyes. He took out Riptide and turned it into Sword form. Harry took a sword hanging from the wall, Gryffindor being the bravery house and all. They started like this.

Harry lunged at him and Percy disarmed him lazily. Everyone laughed. His eyes widened. "You cheated!"

Percy retorted by saying, "Oh really? Then how did I cheat?"

Harry's face turned red. "Ummmm." At this everyone laughed harder. I couldn't breathe.

He stormed out.

We all laughed and continued studying.

Ginny POV

We all went to train in the Forbidden Forest.

I used to be scared but now I am not because of all the fighting skills the demigods and I know. Besides, they have really fast reflexes.

I was training in a dagger fight with Hermione. Out of nowhere, this big dog came out and attacked us. Then three more followed. Annabeth stabbed one, while I climb a tree and shot one down with my arrows, Percy killed one, though he got a gash on his thigh from a claw, and Nico stabbed one.

Percy collapsed. I ran over and found the gash really deep. Will muttered some words and waved his hand over the wound. It started closing up.

"How did he do that?" I asked.

"I am a healer," he answered.

"You okay, Percy?" I asked. So did a few other people.

"Fine," he mumbled.

Annabeth took some square-shaped food out of a backpack and fed it to him. She poured some lemonade-looking liquid over his wound.

Ron asked, "What was that?" She answered, "Ambrosia and Nectar, food of the gods. In small amounts it heals demigods. If too much is taken, it burns us to ashes."

Oh. Fun. (Did you see that reference?)

"Come on. Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey," Neville said.

Annabeth and Jason supported him.

Maybe we shouldn't do that as often.

"What was that?" I wondered.

"Hellhounds," Piper explained. "They're from the Underworld."

I'll stick to training in the common room and DADA.
Yay! The end of the chappie! Hope ya midgets all like it.
-da dam author

When the Demigods go to Hogwarts (A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now