Chapter .2.

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Emilia POV

I can't believe it, I made such a fool of myself in front of student. I was embarrassed. Peter slowly helped me up, as soon as our hands touched we both knew. He was my soulmate. I finally found my first soulmate, but I can't enjoy this just yet. I'm on a mission and I can't let anything come between this, not even this adorably hot and awkward boy.
" Hey, are you okay? Of course you are not okay, we should go to the hospital.  And my teacher is my soulmate. Oh wow, wait, I'm Parker Peter, I mean Peter Parker. I mean, hi, I'm your soulmate. " he kept rambling on, he's so cute. I stopped his rambling by pulling him in for a kiss. It was short, sweet and passionate. I'm so sorry Pete, but I have to do this. I held his face close and looked directly in his eyes as his pupils contracted.
" Forget everything till ten minutes ago, this never happened. I'm just your substitute teacher and nothing more. You came in early like everyday and you were tired so you fell asleep for some time. "
The compulsion worked and he went to his seat to fall asleep like everyday. And everything is back to how it is supposed to be.

I woke up today as the wretched sunlight hit my face like clock work. It was Sunday and I was insanely tired but I dragged myself out of bed. I had a lead. A vampire named Katherine Pierce had the cure running through her veins and she was currently hiding here, in New York City. Friends had warned me about her, but whoever this bitch is I can handle it.

I grabbed black joggers, black sports bra and a black jacket. I took a shower, got changed and put my hair up in a ponytail. I was a bit hungry so just got a blood bag from the fridge. Before leaving I zipped up my jacket, put on converse, a mask and checked the address from the tip once again.

It was a dodgy apartment on the fourth floor of a worndown building in the suburbs, nothing quite unordinary about it. I slowly moved towards the door, my plan was simple. Just knock on the door then rip her heart out. Right when I was about to knock, I heard some noise coming from the opposite side of the stairs and as an impulse I hid behind a wall. Probably a good decision, because soon after I saw a bunch of shield agents surrounding area. Don't ask me how I know the uniform, it's a long story. Let's just say it involves sleeping with and then dry sucking some important people. When I looked closely two of them looked different. And I finally recognized them as Captain America and the White Wolf! What in the duck are they doing here?! What do the avengers want from Katherine?

Soon, an ambush launched as the shield agents attacked the house.
I scooted back more to hide. I didn't want to get involved in this drama. But I hit some kind of a door. Probably the back door to the apartment. And it caused me to see the hedious sign I wish I had seen before being a part of this fiasco. This was a Hydra base. Great work, Em, so much for keeping a low profile. Jumping into a battle between Shield and Hydra definitely does the job.

I heard a ruckus from the inside and my overly curious nature forced me to listen in with the help of my vamp hearing. There were about ten heartbeats in there. Then I heard the muffled voice of a child trying to ask for help. My eyes widened and I broke down the door, I guess nobody owns the place since I was easily able to enter. After steadily inspecting the place and staying away from the living room where a few hydra and shield agents were fighting, I see four hydra agents in a weird room in the back with a little brunette girl on the ground with her hands and legs tied and duct tape on her mouth. I catch her eyes and taking off my mask give her a soothing smile saying everything will be alright. I gesture her to close her eyes, and after she does I quickly break the hydra idiots' necks and they collapse to the ground. I went to little girl and take off her duct tape, she had tears brimming her eyes.
" Hey, it's okay. They can't hurt you anymore. " She sniffles and nods as her tears trickle down her cheeks. I help her remove the ties and tell her to make a run for it while I distract these brainless monsters. " I'm Morgan. " she says with a smug smile. " Nice to meet you Morgan, I'm Em, now go! " she nods and trods off. Cute girl. Time to have some fun.

I pretend to make a run for it with the help of the fire escape but the damn ladder would not go down and I was four floors up. I know I'm a vamp but breaking a few bones would delay me and increase the chances of being caught. So, I did the most rational thing in that situation, I ran up to the roof. Ureka! I'm free! The entire roof was empty and the door was locked.  I took a breath and attempted to jump to the roof of another building. Unfortunately, a hydra agent blocked my path, note the sarcasm. He glanced at me and smirked then charged at me. I hated that smirk, it boiled this anger inside me. I easily beat him, and pushed him to a wall.
That's when his friends arrived, and I smirked my evil smirk. Lunch time!

About after ten minutes, 20 bodies lay on the ground with their hearts ripped out and blood completely drained. I smiled, it's been a while since I lost control like this.  I should do it more often. In truth, the power in being a vampire doesn't bother me, neither does the bloodshed or the heightened emotions but the fact that I can't ever have a family. I had one before but they betrayed me, they hated me. And I was easily thrown out like a bug because I wasn't their blood. I was the dispensable one, as 'forever and always' never really applied to me. That's why I'll either take the cure or die before trusting anyone else ever again. At least in the future even if my soulmates leave me, I'll have my kids.

"Excuse me miss, you're not really supposed to be here. " a firm yet sweet voice called out to me from behind with a tap on my shoulder. I slowly looked up and turned towards him.
I know he felt it too, the burn in my soulmark.
"My soulmate is fucking Captain America!? Fuck, did I say that out loud? "
"Language doll." he smirked at me as we maintained eye contact.
"Are we done with staring contest here." said the White Wolf from beside him with an annoyed voice.
"Umm, you've got a little something right there. " he said eyeing the blood dripping from my mouth.
" Sorry I'm a messy eater. " I grinned before licking my lips and dropping the heart of a random hydra agent I had been holding. Their eyes went wide and wolfy grabbed my hand in panic, and I felt it again. Oh, just great! Two of the avengers are my soulmates. I warned him with my eyes before swatting his hand away and pushing him back while kicking the American dream backwards. I took my chance and ran to the edge of the building before jumping off the roof.

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