Chapter .10.

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" Holy shit ! FRIDAY, call the cops, Captain just swore !" It all went crazy from that point there. The perfect crazy though.

The God of Thunder had come to sit beside me as he said, " Lady Emilia, you are one of the most beautiful woman in the universe only comparable by our very own soulmates, Romanov and Wanda. And I want to spend the rest of my eternal life worshipping you like the Queen you are. " 

" Worshipping me? Now, I like the sound of that. " I said, wiping a bit of blood that I had sneakily added to the whiskey, from the corner of my lip as I looked him over. He was built like the God he was, his body putting millions to shame. " But I must ask why did you leave James and Captain Rogers that day? Were you in any kind of danger? You know we'll always protect you , my lady?" he asked, and the guy with the cape took that moment to sit at the table in front of him, " Yes, why did you run away that day? "

" You are? " I asked gently.

" Dr. Stephen Strange, my love. " he said firmly, and yet with gentle eyes. He had taken my hands in his, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

I sighed before looking at each of them, my eyes lingering especially on Steve, " I know I must provide you with answers and I will. I just need some time, if you will. I'm really sorry about that day. Trust me it wasn't about you guys. I'm messed up in a lot of ways, and I was attempting to figure it out before I met you all. I realize now that I hurt people in doing so. I'm sorry. " I said hesitantly looking up at them.

They slowly smiled reassuring me as Steve, " It's alright, we'll figure it out together. And like I said I have my own punishment all planned out for you." He said with a dark glint in his eyes promising me pleasure.

Tony handed me a glass of whiskey which I gladly took, my fingertips brushing against his. I found myself admiring each tiny little detail of his face as shivers ran down my body ( Anthony is such a dilf ), before turning back to Steve, " What's this about a punishment, Cap? Are you going to spank me?" I smirked and tilted my head. He maintained eye contact gritting his teeth probably just wanting to throw me over his shoulder and take me raw right then.
But before he could say anything a sweet warm voice came from beside me.

It was the guy in a scientist coat, he nervously rubbed his neck with a small smile as he said, " He will, trust me. "

" Oh, is that so? Dr...? " I asked clearly amused. The man was awfully cute. His cheeks reddened. " Yes, right. Dr. Bruce Banner. " He said holding out a hand for me to shake. Instead of taking it, I turned around towards the back of the couch to face him and said, " You seem to have experience, Dr. Banner. " He blushed and I took his checks in my hands and squished them.

" Oh, you are just, too cute. I could just," I said slowly in a deep voice, lightly nipping one cheek. I made sure to use my front teeth instead of the fangs. He let out a yelp at the sensation and nervously laughed, "eat you up."

" Eat him up? He's the hulk, you know.  You would probably choke. " said Clint Barton shoving a piece of cake. Steve actually choked at that.

" Even better." I said dreamily, still clinging to Bruce, before continuing with a pout at the dessert, " Wait, is that cake? I want cake. "
" Yes, ofcourse sweetie. Open up. " said Clint feeding me the cake gently with a spoon. Hmmm, he would make a good father, I thought.
' The best ' , Wanda replied in my head, I gave her a sad smile knowing I could never have kids. Unless I find the cure.

I was enjoying the amazingly delicious chocolate cake before a gust of wind came and my cake was gone! I jumped up and looked and stared at Pietro. The fucker through away MY CAKE!
" Hey! " I heard Clint slightly yell from beside me. Oh right, his cake.

" Now now, princessa, you . . .  " I had him pinned to the window with his hands behind him before he could say anything further. It's the fucker's fault. Nobody takes my chocolate.
" What were you saying? " I asked maintaining eye contact.

" You woke up late morning and you haven't eaten anything since then. Your first meal shouldn't be cake." He said regaining his confidence before adding, "Princessa " Steve nodded in approval of the boy's statement.

" Oh, is that so, honey? " I asked slightly gritting my teeth. He mockingly nodded clearly enjoying this.

" Well, she is a vampire. So, technically her first meal of the day was the blood she sneaked in to the whiskey I gave her. " said Tony, winking at me definitely proud of himself. I blew him a kiss before turning to Pietro.

The corner of my lips lifted as I grabbed his chin and pulled his chin down to me, dark veins pulsating around my blood red eyes,
" That's right, I'm a vampire. And nobody takes my chocolate. Got it, Dearie? "

He gulped before raising his head to look into my eyes, moving the fabric of his sweatshirt and tilting his neck, allowing me access with a half smirk. I immediately shook my head in disbelief the veins disappearing. We only just met, did he already trust me enough with something so intimate and potentially dangerous.

He took his chance as my guards were down to swiftly switching our positions, and now I was the one being pinned to the window as he had a firm grasp on my chin. I looked at him with admiration in my eyes. My undead heart beat once again, as his very alive one skipped a few.

Right then we heard a loud noise as something barraled in shattering the glass window right next to us. Everyone ducked to cover, as Pietro pulled me down with him on top of me. I grabbed his bicep and moved it out of the way to look at the object that had barraled in. Or rather person dressed in red and blue spandex suit.

Thor already had Mjonir in hand and Tony had a repulsor formed in his right hand in defense against the intruder, before they realized who the person was. Losing their weapons, Tony and Wanda dropped next to him to see whether he hurt at all.

I looked closely at his outfit confused not recalling Spiderman to be part of the Avengers, to be a superhero, that too this young. It was then when I registered the warm sensation from one of soulmarks on my hand that had gone unnoticed before.

The boy jumped up assuring everyone  he was fine, not a scratch. His eyes eventually fell on me still on the ground with Pietro. He ripped off his mask, and it was as I suspected.

Peter Parker is Spiderman.

And I'm fucked.

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