Chapter .8.

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My mate was exquisite, he really was, and I found myself wondering if it really was okay to let go. Perhaps it was the vision he showed me or the fact that I had already left behind three of my mates, which shook me out of this predicament. Maybe I was being childish with my resolve of attaining humanity before letting them accept me, but only I know what it feels like to go through that rejection from the ones you call kins. 

I closed my eyes and savoured his touch holding in my tears. He knows what I am about to do as his own eyes open, but before he does I'm gone. He must catch me to trap me in another illusion. Thank god, for vampire speed. I head downstairs, from what I remembered and after crossing a dozen staircases, I heard voices from down the corridor making me try to bolt... upstairs? Stoopid, stoopid, stoopid.

Such an idiot! Why would you try to go upstairs, up a thousand steps again?! At least at the end I saw a door, oh beautiful, door I know you lead to the roof, pretty door. I reached for the knob just milliseconds away before a harsh force knocked me to side, like something barreled into me. I looked at the knob with a pout, so close friend, so close.

And I felt that force again, it was almost as if I didn't really process it at first, too used to the speed. Wait, another vampire?! I thought before I realized I was now somehow cradled in the hands of a very handsome man, staring right at his chest as our marks burned and glowed. So not a vampire just the speedy guy, although him and his sister could totally pass for vampires.
" Didn't see that coming, princessa? " he says with a smirk, and I wonder why must my mates have these beautiful accents and sculptured bodies.

"Hot" I subconsciously let out, before widening my eyes on what I had just said. You idiotic moron! That is the first thing you say to your soulmate? Well, I did eternally terrify two of them by my face covered with the blood of their enemies like a psychopath, I'd say this was okay.
And he smirks, that arrogant, hot smirk.
"You're rather ravishing yourself. It's quite hard to not just stay like this forever, tbh" he pauses as I eye lift a brow at the acronym, "Pete's been teaching me text words. " 

Oh, right I nod,  Peter, I miss Peter.

"So, I'm guessing you were headed for the roof, is that a habit of yours? Well,  I'm sorry, but you're staying." he simply says as I take a few seconds to snap out of his trance and process his words. By the time I do, he's standing in the middle of what looks like the living room, just a lot more bigger than the normal ones, surrounded by many of my mates, and Kai. Kai?

I had honestly forgotten about him, what a wonderful best friend you are , Em. Well, he deserves it, he's eating popcorn in my misery, and after Delhi, I'd let him die - the first couple times. 

" KAI!" I shout at him trying to squirm out of Speedy's hold. He raises his eyebrow before shouting at me equally as loud, just muffled by the popcorn, " You forgot me didn't you, Petunia, you bitch!" " That's not even close to my name, you betrayer ! You come here !" I say lunging at him veins popping out around my eyes. 

Just then a blonde women, a stunning blonde women stands in front of him, protecting him, and growls at me. Literally, a growl. He hid behind her and smirked pumping his fists in the air like a cheeky bastard, does he think I can't fight off a small packet sized human?! I smirked and bared my fangs at her, when I heard a small voice whisper 'woww' from the other side of the room. It was very hard to not go looking for the voice and ignoring the persistent glowing of my marks.

She stares at my fangs and veins, " This would be a cool way to die." She chuckles and continues, " But you're not touching my soulmate, baby Dracula." That's a cool accent, why don't I have an accent? I literally lived with British weirdo vamps half my childhood. Did she just say soulmate? Yes, she did! Yes, she fucking did! They found their other soulmate, yay! I immediately got rid of my veins and squealed.

" Your their other soulmate! Hello, so nice to meet you, I'm Emillia. Has he told you about Bonnie, you're gonna love Bonnie! She's such a sweetheart and so badass. She's my bestest friend, he's a cockroach. But I guess you can't choose who you love, right." I say pointing at Kai as they blush at the word 'love',  " I hope you like me. We're basically family now."  I stop to take a breath, even a vampire needs to chill. 

" Oh I already love you, we are definitely family now." she says glancing across the room. " Great! Now you guys only need to find the last one and then happily ever after, yayy. " I say with a dreamy sigh. "No no, I've already met her, If I ever need to find her, she'll be in my sheets." she tells me with a grin. " Yeah, her name is Kate, she's got black hair, she's clumsy and she's like a junior hawkeye! That's so cool, isn't it so cool? Almost as cool as porkrinds, and she has more followers than me on insta which I'm a little bitter about. I haven't met her yet because she's at her Uni, but she'll be back soon. And the spidey guy too." says Kai. 

"Aww, I'm happy for you cockroach, you've got like your own harem of women." I tease, hugging him.

"Owhhh, I'm happy for you too little Mikaelson, you've got your own harem of Avengers too." he retorts hugging me tighter me tighter as I hear a few cracks. So, I break his right shoulder. " Call me that again, MALACHAI. I dare you!" I seethe out, he pops his shoulder back and pins me down on the ground. " I'm a vampire too, bitch." he mutters trying to stick his booger in my mouth, that fucker. " I'm older!" I shout before changing our positions pinning him down instead, before someone pushes me up against the wall, roughly. 

" That's enough my Queen, and quite frankly I'm older." says a rather familiar exquisite British voice. I lift my head barely daring to look in those beautiful green eyes. The ones I left behind. God condemn me for committing such a sin, I think. 

" He will." 

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