Chapter .4.

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Emillia POV

I huffed and threw myself on the couch as a sob escaped my lips. I gave in and cried it all out. It hurt so much to leave them behind just like it did with Parker. They must be hurting so much right now. It's all my fault, and I didn't even find Katherine. But I have to stay strong, they don't deserve a monster as a soulmate, I'll find the cure and fix everything. I promised myself as I was staring at the board full of clues.

" What are you staring at with that weird eye thing that you do?" asked a very familiar voice, shocking me.

" Bon bon, what are you doing here? How did you not hear you come in?" I asked while jumping on her to give her a bear hug, " And what weird eye thing?"

" A. visiting my best friend. B. Kai is teaching me teleportation spells, and C. that look you have that says 'I'm gonna conquer the world'." she said chuckling, as I rolled my eyes.

"How in the 'prison world', do you not have pork rinds?!" shrieked my previously mentioned bestie using 'prison world' as synonym for hell, that was a good one though. This time I and Bonnie both rolled our eyes while moving to the kitchen to pacify her psychopath.

" Because I'm vegetarian and also I don't care, Kai." I said when we reached the kitchen counter, and I jumped up to sit on it. 

" What, no hugs for me princess!" he said Kai while gasping dramatically and with a smirk on the end. Bonnie rolled her eyes and went to stand with him, but he reached for pulling her to him, kissing her on the cheek while the stood cuddling both facing me.

" You lost that right after Delhi, you traitor." I sneered at him. Malachai and Bonnie are my best friends and I guess the only friends left now. They are soulmates, their story is a total enemies to lovers trope. They are seriously so cute together. Bonnie is the badass loyal witch I can always count on, and Kai is, well Kai. He's helpful sometimes.

" You still have a grudge about that mini Mikaelson, Bonnie brought you back anyway." he said while shrugging it away.

" Yeah, back from the land of the dead," I said before getting off the counter, " And don't call me a bloody Mikaelson."  

" Okay, stop fighting you two" said Bonnie before turning to him, " we're here to help our friend." That's right, I told them I needed a locator spell to look for Kitty-Kat. So, Kai and me stopped arguing for now and they went on with their witchy things. After I got a satisfying shower I grabbed an apple and a knife as I was peckish. It was already dark outside when they told me they couldn't find her at all. 

" Trust me princess, I've tried every trick in and out of the book. We can't find her. It's like she's dea- " I threw the knife just milliseconds away from his face with all my vampire strength and it went through breaking the window, but Kai was looking at me with an emotion in his eyes you don't often see- pity.

" NO, she can't be dead, she's the legend right, she isn't dead. Not till I get that cure flowing in her veins." I said frantically. After a second of painful silence Bonnie wrapped her hands around me and Kai followed. 

" I know, honey, we'll figure this out." she said with a sympathetic smile. I smiled back.

" I have a plan." I said with a smirk.

Peter POV

Today was a terrible day, Morgan got kidnapped. The kids are like our life, I have more of an older brother kind of bond with them, and I love them. I don't even wanna imagine one of them getting hurt. But thankfully, she's safe now. Although, I can't help but feel unsettled a bit. Everyone at home is acting weird and Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rogers- I mean Bucky and Steve are all depressed. And that makes me really sad, I mean they didn't drag me to exercise today and Bucky didn't tell me their war stories at dinner and Steve didn't tell me to be careful when I came out for patrols just now. And I keep feeling like there's something I am missing, someone.  

I stopped a few robberies tonight and helped a little kid home. I was swinging when suddenly a freaking knife from God knows where came swinging at me and breaking my web I was slinging from.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I landed on a clothed roof at the outside of a bakery. And then fell through it and roughly baralled on the chairs and table. I deeply sighed.

" Oops"

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