Chapter .6.

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Sorry for the pov change but I think it would be better if I wrote in 3rd pov, so I can cover most of the characters in one chapter, rather than switching povs everytime.


 Emillia was waiting in an alley behind the Avengers Tower, tapping her feet impatiently. She looked over her perfectly manicured nails with black nail polish. She had been waiting for a whole seventeen minutes for Malachai to hurry up and teleport her in. She had already had her snack that happened to be passing by, and she was bored. She ran her hand over her stunning outfit and the fancy mask she was wearing, it itched like hell, or maybe it was her soulmarks going haywire. Well only three of them since she hadn't met the others yet. It was pure agony to not just go find them and keep them forever. But she needed to do this for some other worldy reason, she needed to. 

Malachai breathed out a sigh before downing another glass of champagne from the not so mini bar in the huge banquet room, turns out the party was to celebrate their kid safely coming back home. 'Hmmm, kids. I'm gonna have a kid soon. I'm still not convinced that I might be a good father someday, I don't exactly have role model. I just hope I don't screw up the poor kid. He could be a siphoner like me, if he is, I'll never let him go through what I did. He won't think of himself as an abomination. ' 

He fixed his mask before turning his eye all over the room, making sure that all of the mighty heroes were in this very room, before taking out his phone and taking a snap of himself with a peace sign and sending it to Bonnie with the caption "Sul...

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He fixed his mask before turning his eye all over the room, making sure that all of the mighty heroes were in this very room, before taking out his phone and taking a snap of himself with a peace sign and sending it to Bonnie with the caption "Sulking at a boring party. Will probably blow the place up :( " . 

He turned on his fight and exited the room and magically shuts the doors behind him and for good measure added a barrier around the room before zapping all of the cameras in the building. They probably only had minutes to get the job done so he quickly summoned Emillia in. She groaned as the wall she was leaning at before was replaced with the cold, hard floor. 

" Finally, you asswipe. Bet you were getting drunk." she said with a sigh and a finger accusingly pointed out. 

" Should we go now or are you waiting for your future spouses to show up." he replied  with a smirk and his hands rested on his hips. She huffed before turning to the shield agents that shown up, " We have some tasty company."

Emillia and Malachai vamp sped through the hallway knocking half the agents and putting the other half to sleep. They had reached the room where the AI's main access was located and threw the door open. Kai stayed outside, he felt that Em needed to do this alone even though she was shit at handling technology. So, instead he was drawn to the little balcony nearby as he breathed out a peaceful sigh.

Emillia was left gobsmacked as she entered the room or rather the lab. Everything was foreign to her, tools and fancy-looking technology lying around. She was looking all around before she heard a voice come out of nowhere,

"You didn't have to come all the way up here to see me, Miss Mikaelson. Even if you called out to me from any part of the building I would have responded. " said a feminine mechanical voice.

" Its Emillia Green actually, Friday, right?" replied Em with a small voice.

" Yes, my apologies, Miss Green. How may I help you?" asked Friday.

" You'll help me? Just like that? " asked Emillia in response as she took off her mask. She couldn't believe the AI would readily help her.

" Yes, because it's you." replied Friday, which Em didn't really understand.

" Huh, never mind, I need to find someone. Her name is Katherine Pierce, she's in New York." she says with a pleading voice, eyes almost watering.

" Searching for Katherine Pierc- " 

Emillia felt her soul leave her body, she almost had it in the palm of her hands, she could taste it, it was so close, before everything dissolved in a green mist and all that was left was darkness.

Meanwhile, Kai breathed in the fresh, chilling air. It was a spectacular view of the city, they were quite high up but there was still a couple of floors above them. He was about to fall into another sea of dark thoughts, but that didn't happen. He heard a sweet, rugged voice with a Russian accent. He looked toward the direction of the voice, and saw a beautiful dirty blonde girl who was suddenly seen sitting on the railing of the balcony. There was a black wire attached to her hip that went all the way up to the roof. That explained how she got there so suddenly. 

She was wearing glittery slit dress with her hair left open as she smirked at him. Only then had he noticed the burning on his arm and the glow on each of theirs. He found her, or she found him. It didn't matter as he helped her off the railing and gently touched her face. She took off his mask and rested her forehead against his, they closed their eyes and just took in each other's presence. 

It was so surreal, he never wanted to let go. But when he opened his eyes, he watched her disappear in a green mist. Horrified he glanced at his hand, and everything around him disappeared in the same mist. He started falling, and falling and falling. Like there was no end.

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