Chapter .5.

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Peter POV

After getting hurt I swung back to the tower, I was just too tired and needed my home. When I swung in I was careful to be quiet, I didn't want anyone to wake up and see me like this. But I live with superheroes including assassins, so of course that wasn't possible. As soon as I came in, I saw Ms. Romanov- uh, Nat drinking coffee while waiting for me. Well, at least someone cares. I smiled at her and then I realised I was still wearing my mask so I took it off and smiled again with an awkward wave. 

She chuckled before coming to me stand in front of me. That, that laugh is my favorite. She doesn't often laugh, but I guess that means it's only meant for us, her soulmates. She slowly wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me in for a hug. She snuggles in more as I do the same. I sigh in comfort, trying my best not to wince at the pain. The pain of the recent bruises and something a thousand times more painful. Something I don't even remember.

I was a fairly better actor now but that was never enough to fool Nat. She could tell even the slightest change in demeanour, especially when it comes to us. Whether it was Bucky lying about not having nightmares, Tony thinking second guessing himself and drinking more, or even Thor trying to hide his pain by laughing all the time. She was also the person who always knew the truth every time I lied and pretended that Flash's moronic ways didn't bother me. So of course she knew this time too, as her body stiffened just a little and a heart breaking frown was visible on her face. 

" Who hurt you?" she said as her face switched to a far more terrifying one, the one she had on missions, the one she doesn't let me see.

" No one" I said with the most reassuring smile I could, "I swear, I just got distracted and fell on some stuff. Classic clumsy me." She had a conflicted look on her face, not knowing whether to believe me or not. 

" Trust me please, anyways I was just distracted um... thinking about you guys. You know, I'll be eighteen soon. " I said blushing, I guess I really am good at acting now, because she believed me. And before I knew she had grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the medic room. 

I sighed as we entered in the elevator, by now Friday would have informed everyone I was hurt and they will be all over protective and stuff.

Emillia POV

Kai and I glanced at each other and smirked, we were thinking of the same thing. Its funny how much we have in common despite how much we fight. We took a few steps back preparing for it, the air felt thicker and the chase had slowed down almost as if in slow motion. Several hands looking to grab me, pull me back but before they could, we jumped of the roof, again, this time the roof of the Avengers Tower.

Now here's how we got here, as I said I had a plan. If we couldn't find Katherine by magic, we could find her by technology. Of course we didn't have that kind of technology. But I knew where to find it. In the lion's den, the Avengers Tower resided along with all Avengers aka my soulmates, F.R.I.D.A.Y an AI, that could help me. No doubt, it would be like suicide, but I guess I'm reckless. 

We had come up with a rough plan, we couldn't expect the security to be lacking, it was the most secure building in the world after all, and we didn't want to attract too much attention by killing everyone. So, when we reach there Kai will use the teleportation spell they've been practicing to get me inside during a fancy party Tony Stark was throwing, for what I had no idea. I guess that's just how rich people do it. Anyway, I'll get inside blend in and try to get to Mr. Stark's lab to access Friday and then Kai and I will get out of there just like we came in.

We couldn't take Bonnie with us to keep her safe. They were expecting a baby and I'm so happy for them. I just can't wait for them to find their last soulmates. I know despite being happy in each other's company, they still feel empty. I'm quite familiar to that feeling. I wonder if that is how my soulmates feel, am I hurting them, or do they even care enough?

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