Chapter .9.

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" That's enough my Queen, and quite frankly I'm older." says a rather familiar exquisite British voice. I lift my head barely daring to look in those beautiful green eyes. The ones I left behind. God condemn me for committing such a sin, I think.

" He will, as he stands before you the God of Mischief, Loki." says Loki, gazing at my soul, well my thoughts. My undead heart raced at an inhumane rate, but so did his. My sensitive ears perked up at the sound of his heartbeat along with a couple others expectantly waiting across us. This is my new favourite sound, it calmed me enough that I found myself slipping. Physically I was stuck with his body against me. But I was slipping as I accepted the bond, not just his but of every soulmate of mine in the room. 

As soon as he felt it, he embraced me tightly, whispering in my head. " I'm never letting you ever leave again, please, just stay here with us, always." And at that moment I knew my life was going to be a lot more difficult, but I was sure of one thing- I was never going to run away again. I'll just drag them with me.

I finally turned my head to look at the others in the room. I guess at some point of this conversation Yelena had dragged Malachai away to her room, presumably. I took in the people that remained, my soulmates - Speedy, his witchy sister, Tony Stark, Captain America, Hawkeye, a guy in a cape, Thor and a guy in a scientist coat. 

"My Love, would you like to meet your soulmates." said Loki, glancing at them. My thoughts took a guilty trip back to memory land at the nickname, back to my fath- Niklaus and I having my first ever dance at fancy event. 'You're a natural, my littlest love.' And the broadest smile he used to bring on my face. 

I glanced at my soulmates and smiled before nodding. Loki slowly let me off the wall I was stuck against and led me to them. We were all sitting at any place we could find. Some like me preferred the sofa while some shuffled on the floor and one mixed a drink by the bar, that one was Tony Stark, of course. The speedy guy broke the silence first as he sat on the floor beside his sister, "Well we've met already, Princessa. I'm Pietro Maximoff." His sexy accent was apparent as he smirked and stared into my eyes before adding, "The hot guy."  

" Yeah, yeah, I got that. Who's next?" I blurted out trying to hide how flustered he made me feel. The witchy sister then spoke from beside him shuffling forward with a knowing look in her big doe eyes, like she just knew what their presence was doing to me. Maybe she did. 

" I'm Wanda Maximoff, his twin." she said in the matching accent then raising her hand with a beautiful crimson glowing energy on her palm, " The witchy sister. " I was in awe at her powers, so elegant. " Now now, Wanda, what did we say about mind reading? " said Loki to Wanda, while he stood behind me leaning slightly on the couch. " Sorry love, Wands and I, we try to control it but sometimes it just happens, at the most opportune moments." 

" You two can read minds?" I ask with a bewildered face and they nod. " That actually makes a lot of sense, it's kind of awesome but also a tiny bit terrifying. I wish I could read minds, I can control them though." I rant for a bit. 

" You can?" asks Captain America, and I remember my escape incident and the kick. " Uh, yes. It's called compulsion. A neat little trick that allows a vampire to control the prey. " I say, making little pretend fangs with my fingers while giggling at my own joke. God, I'm Pathetic. I clear my throat before I hear an actual laugh from Hawkeye and give him a wink, 

" Sooo, on a serious note, yes, I'm a Vampire. My name is Emillia Green. And really, so sorry about that day Mr. America, Sir. " I say, he gives me the sweetest smile. " It's Steve, honey, Steve Rogers. And it was pretty, what do the kids call it, badass of you. Plus, I'm sure I'll think of proper punishment for you. " he says with an innocent straight face. 

" Holy shit ! FRIDAY, call the cops, Captain just swore !"

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