Chapter. 3.

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Tony POV
I hate these meetings. I have to sit here in these boring conference rooms for hours listening to imbeciles blabber on bullshit where I could just tell them they're wrong. Their whole existence is wrong! Actually I'm just a bit on edge lately. Ever since Morgan and our other kids - Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel were exposed to the public, I have this bad feeling that something is going to go wrong. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Pepper, my company's CEO and a great friend along with being Morgan's surrogate mom wakes me up and informs me that the meeting is over. I take a sigh of relief and march up to the avenger's floor aka where my soulmates must be having lunch. I hope the pigs saved me some. I think it's pizza day today or tacos. I would love some sandwiches from Delmars right now. That reminds me of Peter, our youngest soulmate. I really love him a lot, along with the others of course. We've been sure not to have you know, some hanky panky till he at least turns eighteen, scary-sexy lady's idea, more like order. Peter looks so tired lately. He thinks I haven't noticed but of course I have. I told him not to take too much on his plate. And these people think I'm not the mature one.
"Hey, what's cooking, good lookings? " I asked with a grin, entering the kitchen.
"Reheated pizza metal-head . " says Stephen kissing me.
But we were soon interrupted by Friday. She was supposed to give me updates on Steve and Buck's mission. I needed them to be safe. But what I heard instead made my whole world crash in front of my eyes. Our daughter was out there. Those hydra bitches better not touch a hair on her.
Without thinking more, I called my suit and took off to the hydra base that had my daughter and two soulmates in danger. I had forced the others who were fuming to stay home.

When I got there, I expected a fight. I could take out my anger on those sons of bitches. But instead Morgan came running and hugged me. I hugged her tighter, I never wanted to let go. I eventually did and checked on her small body to make sure she was okay.  And not a scratch in sight. " Honey, are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? Don't be scared okay, I'm right here. I promise honey." I said frantically not stopping to breathe.

" Dad, its okay. I'm not hurt. Take deep breaths remember, like green daddy taught you." She told me with a nonchalant look, like she wasn't just kidnapped.

" Okay alright, yes. Where are Steve and Bucky?" I asked worried about them while still looking over Morgan to check for injuries. And she shrugged in response. I gave her a confused look, and just then they themselves came running out of the apartment building. They saw Morgan and sighed with relief after tightly hugging her. Then it was my turn to pull sprangles and bucket to me and kissing them, happy they were fine. Then they turned to our little angel again asking the same questions I did with worry lacing their voices. She rolled her eyes, " I'm fine, do you think they even had a chance against me." she said huffing her chest. We chuckled before I turned to Stevey and asked with venom in my voice, " Where are those hydra bitches? I'll kill every one of them."

"Don't bother, they're indisposed at the moment. And we have something to talk about after we get Morgan home." he told me with a look that told me not to push it right now.

Once we got back home, everyone rushed to Morgan and us to make sure we were alright. The kids had swarmed next to their little sister, as Cooper tightly hugged her refusing to let her go. We all had gotten quite the fright. I glanced at my soulmates and everyone except Steve and Buck saw red.

" Kids, why don't you take Morgan to her room and hang out there for a while. We'll join you in a few minutes. " said Steve, not really giving them a choice. As soon as they were gone, Natasha grabbed my collar and pushed me against the cold wall.

" It was hydra, wasn't it? Tell me you didn't kill them all, tell me they're still alive for me to torture them. I want to make them regret ever thinking of our little girl. " She scared the shit out of me, but also turned me on at the same time. Only her, I tell you, only her who can do that.

" Well that would be music to my ears, honey but I'm afraid Steven has something to tell us." Everyone turned to our dear captain expectantly and a bit annoyed.

" What does he mean?" asked Clint, about to burst. Bruce was taking deep breaths and Thor was calling for his hammer, which was weirdly taking a long time. And Stephen was pinching nose bridge while waiting for the answer. He looked cute.

" You found one of our soulmates!" said Loki, suddenly with a gasp. And my eyes widened and we looked at Steve with shock.

" Yes, we did." said Bucky standing next to Steve.

" Well, where are they? They didn't get hurt, did they?" asked Bruce in a hurry.

" No, she I don't think she did. She killed them all. And then jumped off the roof." said Steve hesitating a little.

" What?!"

" Well, why didn't you stop her?"

" She was too fast. Don't worry she'll be fine. She's not human actually. I think she's a vampire. But the thing is when she realized that we were her soulmates, she ran away. She ran away from us." said Bucky with a frown.

" Do you think maybe she doesn't want us? Maybe we, or I hurt her in some way. Why would she run away?" mumbled Steve, looking dejected.

We hugged him and made sure that they both knew it wasn't their fault. Maybe it was something she had to do or perhaps she was scared. I'll find her, I promised myself.

As we were all wrapped in a huge hug on the couch while chuckling, Peter came in and jumped on us, joining the hug. And we started laughing again. Earlier, we had a silent agreement to only tell Peter about Morgan, and not about our soulmate. Not until we find her.

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