Chapter .1.

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It was a beautiful morning, with a cool atmosphere and the sun wasn't bugging her too much today. She walked down the street to a cute little cafe to get her morning coffee. In her experience, coffee and chocolate are usually a good substitute for blood. Damn it, now I'm hungry again, she thought. Maybe she could sneak in a blood bag before school. There was a time when she liked how the sweet, warm liquid tasted on her tongue, when she liked the thrill and the chase. It gave her high that nothing else could.

But now she just hated this power and this hunger. It makes her sick. Becoming a vampire was one of the worst decisions of her supernaturally long life. For a long time she thought about just ending it all, but she just couldn't do it. The fact there are people, her soulmates waiting for her made her hold on. Then she found out about a cure. The cure for Vampirism. And she  is hell bent on finding it. That's what brought her here, to New York City.

While she searches for this cure, she needed a cover story. She needed to be as normal as possible. Guess its not easy being normal considering she's a vampire with 11 soulmates, but still, she got a job as a substitute English teacher at some school called Midtown Tech. She even rented or compelled an apartment. She usually keeps her soulmarks hidden and has got a pretty good control on her diet. So everything's great.

After getting her coffee and some breakfast she got a cab to the school. She walked to the cabin, where she met the principal. He showed her to the staff room and introduced her to everyone. A fellow teacher, a blonde then showed me to her first class. She thanked her and settled in and started the class by introducing herself.

It had been a week and the students weren't that bad for Emillia. Some even participated, except this one guy. He was always the first one in and the first one out. He was always sleeping. But he usually looked exhausted so she let him be. She wonders what he's up-to to everyday that makes him so sleep deprived. There was just something about Peter Parker that got her intrigued.

It was a Monday. No one had really come in yet, so, she started watching a kdrama that she couldn't finish last night. It was the scene where the main leads have to say goodbye on the hospital roof and a helicopter comes to pick him up. It was really emotional. So she started laughing. The weirdest vampire alive or dead. Just then a teenage boy, no Peter, barged in the classroom causing her to clumsily stumble and fall off her chair. Oh boy.

5 mins ago

"We love you Pete, you know that." said Nat, being oddly sweet.

"Did you eat my pop tarts again, lil' man of spider?!" roared Thor while grabbing me from behind.

"Come here you sexy little kid, wait, that sounded wrong." said Tony, obviously drunk. 'Weird, he never drinks in front of me' thought Peter.

He kept looking around, everything looked so vague. And then he saw a girl and a guy. 'Our last soulmates?' He tried to reach after them, he ran and jumped at them, but he couldn't reach them or make out their faces in time.

"Peter? Peter! Peter!", and he snapped back to reality because of his best friend Ned's voice. Ned and his soulmate MJ were Peter's only friends in school. And apparently he fell asleep against his locker again. And now he needs to get to class, great! MJ and Ned weren't with him this class though, so they said goodbye and rushed to his class.

He has been very tired lately. Mr. Stark, I mean Tony, can't know he admitted this but juggling his patrols, studies, science club and with making time for his lovely soulmates, its been hard to cope. Falling asleep in the cafeteria, falling asleep standing by his lockers and even in his classes. Its not a big deal though, he already knows everything they are teaching anyway. He isn't cocky, its just how it is.

He barged in the classroom trying to get in early as usual, and honestly he did not expect to see his weirdly hot new substitute teacher watching some drama on her phone and very cutely laughing over it. Her laugh sounded so surreal as if he could just listen to it forever, but forever was hastily cut short as she noticed him and ended up flat on her butt. 'Gosh, everything about her is so damn cute. Wait, I can't think like this I have soulmates. How will they feel if they find out. I don't want to make them sad. How could I do this to them.'

"Little help here?" her angelic voice called out again, and he snapped his attention to her. He reached out to her and bent down as she took his hand. Their hands touched and this all too familiar surge took over them. He pulled her up and they could feel the burning of each other's marks as they glowed golden. He couldn't believe it, he found her! He finally found her. He couldn't wait to tell the others, they were going to be so happy. They just needed to find one more and they would finally be complete...

'Wait, what was I thinking about again?'

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