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DAY 4 - Monday

I didn't see Liz that night. And she merely poked her head in my room before leaving for the airport to say goodbye. I couldn't believe it was already Monday. And I was alone with Jacob.

I stared at the ceiling. My small crush was becoming a big problem. Mainly because my stupid, illogical brain couldn't see him as anything other than an eligible man. Not the father of my best friend.

I popped up and quickly got dressed. I would make a good breakfast and try to act normal. Try to act like I wasn't turning into puddle every time I saw him.

The kitchen had anything you could think of as though a professional shopped for us before we arrived. I grabbed the eggs and some bacon. Found some peppers and cheese, and went to work on simple omelets.

I smelled his cologne before I heard or saw Jacob. He didn't say hello or make a noise. And I didn't turn, keeping my eyes on the egg.

Then I sensed him behind me. His warmth at my back made me want to jump into his arms. It wasn't until he was looking over my shoulder did he say anything.

"Mm, omelets?"

"Mmhm," I hummed. "And good morning to you, too," I said, turning my head slightly with a cheeky grin, but realized his face was so close that my cheek grazed his stubble. "Oh! Sorry."

I felt his smile before I heard his next words. Yes, I didn't move my head back with any sense of urgency. Sue me.

"No problem. And I love omelets. Can I help?"

"No, actually you can grab the one on the counter. The bacon is on that platter," I said, pointing with the spatula to the pile of bacon. "I think I made too much."

"Never too much bacon," he said while lightly patting my side. The short contact made my breath hitch. I needed to calm the hell down.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jacob walk toward the food. But I nearly dropped the spatula when I saw his outfit - my head turning to make sure I wasn't having some lucid dream.

He was only wearing black sweatpants. That was it. And to top it off he wore some tortoise shell glasses with messy bedhead. My pussy clenched at the sight of his muscle corded arms and his slightly hairy chest. He was shaped like an arrow, pointing toward his pelvis and I wanted to run my tongue over every ridge.

Was he that unaware of how he affected women? If he was aware, then he didn't think of me as a woman. I went back to our conversation the night before and realized that I was right - he thought of me as a child and just his daughter's friend.

I turned back to my work before making more of a fool of myself. How was I going to eat and look at him half naked?

After finishing up my egg, I plated it and turned to leave but saw he was still in the kitchen sitting at the breakfast bar. "Oh! I thought you left..." I started.

"Come here and sit," he gestured with his head. "I saved a spot."

I giggled and walked over, putting my plate beside his. "Saved it, huh? Would you like some coffee?"

"Charlotte, you don't have to wait on me..."

"Oh stop! This is your house and I'm basically on a free vacation. Plus you paid for dinner last night. The least I can do is make you some meals. And coffee," I said, walking to the coffee maker. But to be honest, I was running away. The brief second I had spent near him at the bar had made my skin flush and heart race.

Luckily the coffee was already made and I just had to pour. I was starved and ready to strap on the ole feed bag.

"This is really good," Jacob said as I sat down beside him. "Do you cook much at home?"

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