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"What?!" I exclaimed, yanking back my hand.

"Sorry," he said, pushing the garage door button. "I just thought...sorry, that wouldn't be a good idea."

It would be the most awesomest idea. If my best friend wasn't his daughter.

"I just...why?" I didn't want to shut out the idea altogether. I was way too sex deprived for that.

He turned off the car in the dimly lit garage. "It seems like...something that...uh we could...enjoy."

The fact that he sounded nervous was very cute. But I still wasn't sure this was a good idea. "Like how? Like... uh... have sex?"

"Maybe. I understand if that is gross to you. I doubt your 'older' ex was my age. And I'm Lizzy's dad. So uh, just say 'no' and we can forget I said anything. We'll never bring it up again."

"So, maybe...I mean...we could take it slow. Maybe. Ya know. Just...I make some meals and straighten up. And you thank me...it doesn't have to be sexual. And uh, if I misbehave, then you can...spank me?" I felt like I was learning English and yet rambling on at the same time.

Jacob was watching me make a fool of myself, but he didn't seem confused or upset. He actually looked surprised and pleased. "That could be a nice start."

"And what happens on the mountain stays on the mountain," I said to allow me to justify being a terrible friend. Liz would kill me if she knew I even discussed this with Jacob.

He chuckled. "Sounds good. Shall we shake on it? I don't want to overstep any boundaries. So we agree but you just tell me if I'm too much..."

"Deal," I said, shaking his outstretched hand.

"We can start in the morning, yea?"

"Perfect," he unbuckled and we said our good nights. My nerves were too electric for any more sexually charged conversations tonight.


DAY 5 - Tuesday

I woke up the next morning with a new purpose. I wanted to make Jacob happy. I thought about it most of the night and decided it was my main goal. If I just focused on that, everything would go well.

So I made some pancakes and put away the dishes. I ran a load of laundry and brewed the coffee. I was excited and nervous to see him. And when he entered the kitchen he was topless yet again. If this is my new normal, I'll take it.

"Good morning," I said giving him a big toothy grin. "Pancakes? Coffee? Oh! I have some cut up fruit that I forgot to put out yesterday..."

Jacob was giving me an equally big smile. "Sounds perfect. I can't believe you did all this."

I busied myself preparing a plate for him. I know most women would think I'm stupid, but I was enjoying the smile he gave me. It sent a buzz straight to my center.

"Here you go," I said, sitting the plate in front of him. "Syrup?"

"Please," he said, taking a sip of his coffee. I walked over and grabbed the syrup. He let me pour and stopped me when he reached his fill. "You know..."

"Oh my goodness! Butter? I'm sorry..."

He chuckled. "No thank you. This is incredible. Now please sit so we can eat and chat."

I followed his instruction and pulled up beside him. "I wasn't sure if you would like this..."

"You're nervous," he said, placing his hand on my jumpy knee.

"That obvious?"

"You aren't scared, are you? You know I won't hurt you. Right?"

"Oh my gosh, no! I'm sorry I gave you that impression. I just don't want to disappoint you. Especially since this is new to you and I don't know what you expect. Or what I do. Ya know. We could just be..."

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