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"I didn't mean it to sound like...sexual or something," I whispered the last bit.

"I uh," he took a huge sip of his scotch. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been thinking like that. When I heard you say it...like that... uh."

Great now he thought I was a pervert. He likely will call Liz, the biggest pervert I know, and tell her to move out.

"I'm not some BDSM...person," I'm sure that was convincing. Let's try that again. "I mean. Well. My last boyfriend and I had...um some punishments... I mean but I'm not like some...freak." Whelp, that was worse. I looked around to see if the waiter could bring the check and help a girl out.

"Well, uh...I uh...wait," he said like a lightbulb went off in his head. "Were you in an abusive relationship?"

"What?! No."

"But he hit you. Isn't that what..."

"Oh my God! Not like that. Can we forget I said anything? Like ever. Perhaps we consider this a fever dream."

"You said he punished you..."

"Can't let it go, huh?" I shook my head and leaned forward to whisper. "He would spank me if I...was bad. And that's it."

"That's it?!" He looked like he just heard I 'casually murder' people.

"Yesss," I hissed, trying to keep the conversation low. "I'm a people pleaser. And I'm attracted to sexually...dominant men. So it kind of worked well. Ya know..."

"No, I don't know," he growled.

"Gah! I did some chores or... sex stuff and he would reward me. And if I was bad...he would punish me," I'm sure my face was bright red. "I really don't want to talk to my friend's dad about this any more."

"Liz doesn't have relationships like this...?"

"Oh my God! I'm not telling on Liz to her dad. Look, forget I said anything. I overshared and I'm going to forget..."

"So this relationship...did you have like leather outfits and collars..."

"Nooo! Damn it, Jacob!" I leaned in. "Look. I'll tell you what you want to know but not in the middle of the restaurant. Good lord."

And I never saw a man pay and leave a restaurant so quickly. I was so not looking forward to the second part of this conversation.

Once settled in his Wagoneer, I started. "My college ex was older. He was older and a dominant. We mainly had a more...primal relationship. It included punishments like spanking or orgasm control. Near the end he wasn't too good about knowing when to punish. Like he would make stuff up - like my food tasted bad or he didn't like my clothing. And he didn't know when I needed him to step away from being a Dom and be my boyfriend. And I hate talking about this."

"Why? And from what you said, he sounds like he was just playing dominant and not really."

"Because it's a little private. Intimate," I sighed. "And yes. I prefer more...alpha males. Like men that are natural leaders. Innately powerful and can read people. Especially those they are close with...like know what they need."

"Mmhm. Definitely a difference. Most alpha males and females dominate during sex. But not all are dominants."

"Exactly," I agreed almost forgetting who I was talking to.

"And what is 'primal?'" I sighed again. "I know I'm asking a lot. But I don't really know much about different...kinds of sexual relationships. I was married for a long time."

"Google it," I laughed, but he looked a little hurt. "Fine. Just more basic in the relationship. Not basic. I mean like basic instincts. Like what we were meant to do. Fuck like animals."

"Reproduce," he added.

"Um," I didn't want to go there with him. "Yes. And uh, the natural power dynamic between men and women. Personally, I'm a bit of a people pleaser. I'm a bit of a...Mrs Cleaver type."

"Huh? Like a 1950's wife?" He seemed incredibly surprised.

"Yes. I know it isn't very... woke? But I'm a well educated feminist that likes to cook, clean and take care of her sexual partners. It's totally not PC. But I get off on it...especially if he shows his appreciation," I sighed as I thought about how I likely would never find my ideal.

Mainly because the only guy I've crushed on in years sat beside me and had no idea how to sexually please me.

"I find that hard to believe, Charlotte," he laughed. "You are very...willful."

"Mmhm," I agreed, looking out the window. "With the right man, I have no doubt I would be punished."

"Wouldn't you rather just not be willful and not get punished?" He chuckled.

"I'd rather have a man give me a reason to be a good girl...I mean not willful," I softly spoke as I trace a raindrop down the window. "It's raining."

"Likely get icy. We will need to be careful."

"Good thing you drive better than Liz. I'm lucky to be alive right now," I hoped to change the subject.

"I didn't let her get a license when she was a teen...."

"Now the world must suffer."

"Hush," he laughed. "Anyway, I wouldn't be good at all of that stuff you talked about. The women I date are very... normal."

"Normal? Let's not forget 'plastic,'" I giggled. "And you, Mr Handsome-CEO-tall-muscly-grumpy man, wouldn't be a good Dom?" I shook my head at the idea.


"Well, not really grumpy. But you get very...angry."

"At you."

"At waiters. And ski dudes. And ..."

"Fine! Fine," he said. "I just like people to be respectful..."

"I'm pretty sure you don't hear yourself," I laughed. "Anywho, you don't need to be a Dom. The blonde, snow bunnies of the world will like you - kink or no."

"Gee, thanks."

"Gee, you're welcome," I said, rolling my head so I could face him. He was smiling as he watched the road. Damn, I wish he was kinky.

"Handsome, huh?" He said out of the blue, and gave me a glance, catching me ogling him.

"It's just a fact, Jacob. Think of me as a news anchor: This just in the world is round and Jacob Harris is hot," I laughed at my joke, but his smile faded as I spoke. "What?"


"Hey, I'm serious. You are very good looking. I was joking..."

"I know I'm good looking, Charlotte," he said gruffly.

"Then why the pout?"

"I don't pout," he grumbled. "And it's fine. Home sweet home." As we pulled into the driveway the rain started to pick up and the pings against the truck sounded like ice.

"Southerners don't like wintery mixes," I said, sitting up straighter and staring out into the dark woods. "You are the hero we need but don't deserve tonight."

"Are you calling me Batman?" He chuckled.

"I'm calling you the man that better not hit a tree and kill me like your daughter attempts each time I get in a car with her," I tried to giggle as the tire slid a bit. The driveway was already coated in snow, so the rain and ice made the path slick. Without thought, my hand reached out to Jacobs shoulder.

"It's okay, Charlotte. Four wheel drive and I've done this a lot," his hand enveloped my own. "I've got a deal for you."

"Hm?" I said nervously as we went around another curve.

"For the rest of the week you take care of me and I show you my appreciation."

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