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"Go to the doctor!" My mom prodded me from hundreds of miles away. "You're going to get dehydrated and feel even worse. Go!"

"Fine, but only to one of those Minute Clinics or whatever they call them," I acquiesced after a morning of nausea and one trip to the toilet to puke.

"I felt like that when I was pregnant with you. Could barely keep food down. Couldn't eat certain things. Go!"

"Better not be chicken," I grumbled in jest. "Fine, mom. I'll go..."

The line clicked and I knew she was expecting me to immediately run to the doc in the box. Luckily I was already dressed, so I grabbed my bag and keys and scooted out the door.

But once I hit the outside of my building a strong odor hit me like a falafel cart. The nausea bubbled up and I found myself hunched over a row of garbage bags retching. It was not pretty.

Just in time for a black car to pull up and my neighbor to hop out. Jacob was going on about me looking terrible and asking how I was...but I couldn't pay attention to his words.

He somehow managed to throw me over his shoulder and get me in his car. He was ordering his driver where to go and making a call to his assistant. All the while I was trying not to mess up his expensive car.

When the car finally stopped I was in near tears from holding back my sick and I was once again hoisted in the air like an acro gymnast. And Jacob was not listening to any of my protests to stop. I really think he wanted vomit on his backside.

He finally set me down in the waiting room of a swanky doctor's office and was letting the receptionist know that we were there. It was all happening so quickly because before I knew it I was in a wheelchair and getting blood drawn.

A female doctor walked in and started asking the normal questions but it was hard for me to focus. I think at this point I was just feeling the effects of the dehydration and lack of food.

Not long after she left, a nurse came in to take me for a urine sample and then an IV of fluids. As I lay down on the exam table, I saw Jacob still sitting there. He was staring at me with concern in his eyes.

"How are you feeling?" He asked when he noticed that I seemed a little more lucid.

"Better," I said through a cottony mouth.

He stood and grabbed a cup of water. "Here. Try to sit up." He handed me the water as he gently helped me to a sitting position.

The water was just what I needed. And I was finally able to look around. The room was clearly designed for sick rich folk with calming colors and on-trend decor.

The door opened seconds later after a quick tap that was likely meant as a knock. "Mrs Harris?" The doctor said as she walked in the room. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Yes, but I..."

"She just drank some water. It seems to be staying down," Jacob cut me off.

"Excellent. Well, I have some good news for you," she looked between us expectantly. "You're having a baby."

The word "baby" hung in the air like a death knell. "Like a baby baby?"

She laughed as though my question wasn't serious. When she realized I meant my words she nodded. "Yes, like a small human child."

Jacob turned to me with a confused looked. "You said you had your period..."

"I did!"

"Now, was it spotty? And lighter than usual?" The doctor asked.

"Uh, yeeeaah..." I was waiting for the punchline.

"Implantation bleeding," she said like I was some fucking pregnancy expert. When I gave her a look that could only mean 'and that means?' she added, "Sometimes when the fertilized egg gets attached to the lining of the uterus there is bleeding. Very spotty. Nothing wrong of course. Happens more often than you would think..."

"But I thought it was... Are you sure? I mean how do you know?" I asked rather desperately.

"Urine and blood tests. You have morning sickness..."

"I have sickness sickness," I said, repeating words again.

"Well, that doesn't necessarily happen during the morning," she explained.

"Um...okay," I said looking back at Jacob who still looked a little shocked. You and me both.

Holy shit! The realization hit me like a tractor trailer. I'm going to be a mom. Jacob will be the dad. I'm having Liz's brother or sister. Oooooh fuuuuck!

The panic must have been all over my face because the doctor gave Jacob all of the instructions on how to make the nausea better and an OB referral.

"Well, Mrs Harris, it was a pleasure meeting you. I think you should be good to go. Just get some rest and take care," she said as she left.

"Why did she call me that?" I asked Jacob.

He looked at me like I had three heads. "You just found out we are pregnant and the first thing you say to me is that?"

"Well, it just...oh God! Jacob! What the fuck are we going to do!?" I stressed the word fuck so I'm sure the entire office heard. I was busying myself getting ready to leave as he stood there like a statue. "I mean seriously! A baby?!"

"Let's talk about it at home," he said and we began to walk down to the car. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked as he buckled me into the car.

I chuckled a little. "Yes. You don't need to baby me..." My words feel off as I realized I used that word again.

Here we were just getting to a point where we didn't have to hide and could date, and bam! Pregnancy!

How on earth would I explain this to anyone?!

Well, mom, I guess I had the same illness you did...pregnancy!

Yes, Liz, I'm going to be giving birth to your little brother or sister. Bonus mom!

No, dad, we didn't use protection and yes, we just met. But it is what it is...

Patty, your ex husband is going to be my baby daddy. See, we do have something in common!

Fuck. Me.

When we got to my apartment I began to pace the living room. I was biting my thumb and muttering about how stupid I was. It was the typical young, single mother lecture.

Jacob finally interrupted. "I know you aren't happy about this situation..."

"Situation?! Situation. Nooo, Jacob, I'm not too happy about this situation. What gave it away?! The crazed look? The sweaty brow? Perhaps the pacing and swearing? What was my tell?!"

"I see," he said and walked to the sofa. He sat down without a care in the world and loosened the tie he wore.

"Oh, did you come from work?"

"Yes, I came home from work to find my girlfriend..." I scoffed at the word "...girlfriend," he repeated, "vomiting in the street. And it turns out that I'm not very pleased with seeing you like that. However..."

He was pausing for effect as I stood before him and tapped my foot.

"However," he said again, "I am extremely pleased that I came home when I did. And furthermore, I'm pleased that I was there when we got the news of our current...situation."

"Yes, not something to hear secondhand," I scoffed and started to pace again.

"Hm, I suppose. But I think it solidified a lot for me. For one...Charlotte, please sit down, you are going to wear yourself out."

"For one?" I said sitting like a lump beside him.

"You will never be rid of me," he chuckled as my jaw dropped. "Bound. For. Life."

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