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As my final words left my mouth, I heard a low, animalistic rumble leave Jacob's throat. I felt his fingers curl into my hair and pull my face away from his vulnerable neck.

My breath was in desperate gasps and pants as he stared at me like I was ensnared in his trap. It was almost like he was daring me to move. Daring me to take what I want. But that's not the game. That's not how this works.

"Please," I begged. "Please, daddy. I'll do anything."

The begging gave his look an even more dangerous gleam. He liked my pleas for help. My pleas for him and only the things he had the ability to give me. My desperation must have pushed him into a dominant headspace. One that involved taking and plundering like a conquistador - leaving nothing as it was before his discovery.

"Please. Tell me what you need, daddy," I said, closing my eyes to his ever darkening ones.

"I want everything, Charlotte," he finally growled out. "But right now...right this very moment..."

My breathing increased with my heart and I screwed my eyes closed further. "Please tell me how to please you."

Jacob's mouth crashed into mine as I panted in his lap. I thought he would be gentle in all things. That he was a gentleman that liked soft kisses with just a little tongue. But he was just the opposite.

It was as though he had been starved. I was his first meal in ages. And he needed to devour me.

But I was just as hungry. I gave as well as I took. I poured my passion out through my lips, slipping my tongue over his as he teased me.

It was like one of those kisses that if left unchecked would lead to fucking. But one of those fucks that just gets the job done. A fuck where you tear away your clothes because you need the closeness and to be filled by relentless cock.

But before we could become that unchecked fuckfest, Jacob pulled my head back. I'm pretty sure a whine left my mouth. But I wasn't concerned. He knew I didn't want it to end before I even let the sound escape.

"What the fuck," he grumbled as he fisted my hair and his panting slowed. "Is that...Is that how you kiss every man you are...with?"

"I haven't kissed a man in...years," I said as I steadied myself on his chest. "But I don't remember it being like that. I don't recall...that."

Jacob was shaking his head. "That was...a lot."

"I could ask you the same thing, I guess..." I couldn't help but wonder about his blonde dates. His stereotypical mid-life crisis women. They were all older with likely tons of experience. How could a twenty-three year old that hasn't even dated in two years compete?

My self-consciousness must have shown on my face and in my comment. Because he released my hair and put his forehead to my own.

"Nothing like that. It was perhaps the best kiss I've ever had," he said against my lips. "But we can do better. Yes?"

My smile was actually painful it was so big. "We can try really hard to do better. I'm very game..."

This time his lips were softer, pulling at my own. Leisurely dancing over mine until his mouth opened and the tip of his tongue skated along my slightly parted lips.

And although not wildly passionate, it still wore the brand of an exploring conqueror. It was as though we were learning every aspect of our passion from the fiery to the slow boiling. No matter the kiss, it was hot.

Especially as his hands began to slide down my arms and encircle my waist. My own fingers were playing with the hem of his shirt and brushing the smooth skin there, eager to see his chest again.

As if not to let me out do him, Jacob ran his hands under the back of my shirt and pulled me closer.

"You have a gorgeous body, baby," he said between a few nibbles on my lips. "I want you to take off your top for daddy."

I pulled back a little and nodded as I bit my bruised bottom lips. I knew he was a breast man. And I knew I had large breasts. The combination seemed natural.

I slid my long sleeved tee up over my head and placed it beside us. Jacob's eyes were taking in his new view. My bra was slightly too small, but it allowed my breasts to nearly overflow as they met in the middle, making my cleavage very impressive.

"Do you like them, daddy?" I asked coyly, knowing from his look that he most definitely did like them.

He pulled his eyes away and looked at me. "Take off the bra." His voice was almost gravelly as he spoke through a thick arousal.

I reached behind me and unhooked the eye hooks. I slowly eased the material down my shoulders, giving Jacob a strip tease. Once the bra had nowhere to go but off, I held it off to the side and dropped it with my shirt.

"Good God," he swore as he observed my large breasts. With the bra removed they had a slight sag because of their weight, but for the most part they were round and firm. My nipples were a dusky rose and presently hard from his staring.

"Baby, these are the...holy shit," he gave his head a shake. Then he had a look of anger cloud his features. "And those fucking ass hats at the restaurants kept staring at what clearly was not theirs to stare..."

"But they don't get to see all of them. Or touch them," I said trying to cool him, while making him hot. I took his hands and placed them around my bare breasts. I moaned as he felt their weight and rubbed his thumbs over my erect nipples. "Daddy. That feels so good."

A shrill phone ringtone broke the air and the mood. I knew it wasn't mine, so I hopped up and let Jacob get his phone from the table. He knew the ringtone as a work number so he apologized and took it in his office.

I put my bra and tee back on. I decided to make lunch now since if I didn't, then I likely never would. Plus, I knew he had a big workout and would need something more than a shake soon.

"Fuck," he grumbled as he walked from his office into the kitchen. By the look of it, he was frustrated by his call. But somehow when he saw the simple sandwiches I was assembling, he gave me a smile. "Is this for me?"

"Yes, daddy," I said as I finished cutting the sandwich in two. "I made a salad, too. It's in the fridge."

I walked over to the Subzero refrigerator and grabbed the salad. I found a few dressings and came over to the table where Jacob now sat with his sandwich.

"Thanks for this. That was New York. A server is down and causing all sorts of issues."

"And that's why you hire the best in the biz, right?" I said, watching him eat with my chin propped on my hand. "So you don't need to work on servers during your vacation."

He gave me a grin. "Very true. I told them that they interrupted an important meeting about a potential merger."

I giggled. "I could handle a merger."

"How about handling the hot tub?"

"What about the movie? And I'd love the hot tub."

"Movie later. Ah, but I have to warn you that there is a 'topless only' rule for the hot tub.

I acted surprise. "Liz didn't mention that rule."

"Lizzy is exempt. You, my dear, are not."

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