♡︎𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑇𝑤𝑜♡︎

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Awakening to the morning sun shining through the large window was not the most ideal way to be woken. You drew your hands to cover your eyes, rolling over in the bed to avoid the sunlight. A sigh escaped your lips as you remembered where you currently were, you removed your bed covers from yourself and sat up.

You took notice of the clothes that were folded neatly on the table in the room. You cautiously stood up, being careful of all the cords and tubes that stuck to different locations on your body. A soft knock on the firm hospital door filled your ears, causing your attention to shift. A distressed Aizawa stood in the doorway, his exhausted eyes scanning over you.

"Good morning Y/l, are you feeling any better?" He asked, leaning against the door.

"Well for nearly dying a couple days ago I'd say I'm doing pretty okay." You said with more sarcasm than you anticipated. "Er, sorry, I didn't mean to come off rude, my head is just all over the place." You quickly apologized.

Mr Aizawa wore a small smile. "That's okay, I'm just glad that you're okay, I wasn't looking forward to losing a student."

"Thanks for checking in on me." You thanked him.

"It's my job, though you should be thanking Yaoyorozu, she was in here almost everyday, the nurses even let her stay after visiting hours some days. I'm sure you got to speak to her already?" He explained.

Your face grew warm, "Yeah she's the first person I saw when I woke up, I was happy to see her." You grew a smile at the thought of the girl.

"What you did back there that night, it's quite remarkable. Not many heroes would've pushed to that kind of limits, you really have what it takes to be a true hero Y/l."

Your body went rigid. "Me? A Hero? Disgusting." You thought in disgust, trying to mask any discomforting look on your face.

"Thank you sir, it's just second nature." You shrugged, wanting to brush off the topic as quickly as possible.

"I'll let you get dressed now, I'm here to drive you back to UA, we can go over future rules there." He said and briefly left, a nurse came in shortly after, helping you out of all the wires and IVs you were set up on.

Once you were finally out of the flimsy hospital gown you gathered your belongings. You made your way to the door but stopped before opening it, hearing a conversation between a nurse and Mr Aizawa on the other side.

"Sir, I don't mean to alarm you or anything but Y/l Y/n, she doesn't have any file here. We've done a search for any type of identification on this girl but there's nothing." A nurse explained in a confused and sketchy tone.

You swallowed hard at the information you'd just heard. "I thought Dabi had that covered.." You grumbled.

"Is that so? That's odd. We have some files of her back at the school." Aizawa paused.

"It's not a big deal, I just thought I should inform you." The nurse added.

"Yes, thank you."

You opened the door and put on the best face of innocence you could, pretending you didn't hear their prior conversation.

"Ready to go?" Mr Aizawa said in a monotone.

"Yeah, I can't wait to get out of here, the lights are blinding and it smells so sterile." You complained.

The drive back to UA was quiet, but your thoughts were anything but. "Are they onto me? What if they find out I'm not who I say I am."  You internally panicked.

You finally arrived back at the school, Aizawa brought you straight to the dormitories. A familiar dark haired girl was waiting eagerly for you outside.

"Y/n!" She hopped over and gave you a gentle hug. You melted into her embrace.

"Okay now before you steal Y/l away I have a few words for her." Mr Aizawa said to the bubbly girl.

She gave him a nod.

"After the attack we sustained some injuries to other heroes, thankfully there was only one Nomu released, which you handled, so damage was minimal. But collectively we decided that classes will be off for a few days and a lockdown is put in place. Students will not be able to leave school premise for a few days until this all blows over, that includes you miss Y/l, understood?" He explained strictly.

"Crystal clear, It's not like I'm able to go far in this condition." You laughed slightly.

"Yes of course, and about that," He shifted his gaze over to Yaoyorozu "I'm trusting she'll be okay in your watching?"

"Most definitely sir." Yaoyorozu nodded.

"Good, now you two take it easy, you've had it hard." He said and shuffled off.

Yaoyorozu turned to you, taking your bag out of your hands without asking. "Don't need you pushing yourself."

"I'm slightly injured not senile." You arched a brow.

"Like it or not you're in my protection right now, take it as me paying you back for saving my life." She said and held the door open for you.

"You don't need to repay me for something like that, It's a hero's duty to save people, and my own choice to save people I care about." Yaoyorozu stopped at your last statement, her eyes lighting up.

"You really care about me? Aw Y/n." Her face grew a shade of pink.

"Of course I do!" You said and Yaoyorozu drew closer to you like a magnet, her arms wrapping around your body. Her face only inches away from yours, her eyes looked directly into yours. She connected her lips with yours, causing you to instantly melt, stumbling backwards until you were pressed against the wall.

A gasp caused you both to whip your attention in that direction. Bakugo stood dumbfounded, nearly dropping the soda in his hand. "H..hey." You muttered to the boy, still pressed up against Yaoyorozu.

"I knew it!" He announced, "I told you she had the hots for you, Twilight." He pointed an accusing finger at you.

Yaoyorozu's face went a deep shade of red, you shook your head and sighed in disappointment.

"Are you 12?" You laughed at his childishness.

"No but I was right." He supposed his soda from the straw, making an annoying 'slurp' noise.

"Not even a "Y/n, I'm so glad you're okay", I see how it is."

"Oh yeah It's good to see that my favourite extra is alive. But I'll let you two go back to...that. We'll catch up later." He said and disappeared down the hallway without another word.

Yaoyorozu looked back at you "Am I really that obvious?" She questioned in a hushed and embarrassed tone.

You giggled at her expression, placing a quick kiss on her lips. "Apparently." You smiled.

You watched as her ego came crashing down, "Let's get back to your dorm, my ego hurts."

"You're cute." You nudged her.

She smiled sweetly at you "No you."

𝐼 𝑊𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝐵𝑖𝑡𝑒. Yaoyorozu x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now