It's a pretty puzzle

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Steve's POV:

I'm really thankful that Eddie doesn't question me too much for coming home so often with bruises and such, I really appreciate him for that one. But I can tell that he is getting suspicious of me. Lately, he's started asking what I've been doing that's been getting me hurt like this, but he won't just accept my normal answer of getting into a fight or tripping up the stairs(which usually works on him).

"Steve I'm starting to get really worried about you, it's almost every day now that you've been coming home hurt. What the hell is happing to you" He asks with a serious tone

"Hey I can't help it if I'm clumsy man, seriously dude I just keep tripping up the stairs and shit. It's really no big deal" I say.

"Bullshit Steve, these cuts and bruises are more than just 'tripping up the stairs," He says the last part while making air quotes. "What are you actually doing that is getting you this hurt?" He asks me, and god I wish I could tell him. I wish I could just come clean and say I'm Spider-Man and stop hiding everything from him, but I can't. For both his safety and mine.

"Nothing dude, just falling from my own clumsiness," I say, and he seems to take that as an answer, knowing that no matter what he would do, I wouldn't give him a real answer.


The next day

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off, and the smell of something, sweet? I get up and throw on a hoodie and some shorts as I walk to the kitchen to see what the amazing smell is.

"Well good morning sunshine," Eddie says looking at me with those beautiful doe eyes of his. I blush slightly after realizing he called me sunshine, trying to hide my blush I change the subject.

"What are you baking over there? It smells heavenly" I say walking up to him to see what he's making.

"I'm making zucchini bread, it's still a little hot but do you wanna try a bite?" Eddie says

"Yeah sure, as long as you promise I won't burn my tongue off trying to eat a slice like I did last time when you cooked plain bread," I say shoving him to the side a bit.

"Dude you've gotta admit, that was fucking hilarious. Also, yes princess your tongue will be okay" He says shoving me back a little, but it sends me further because he's a bit taller than me. I walk back over to where Eddie is and grab a slice of bread and take a bite out of it.

"You've really outdone yourself, Munson, this is amazing," I say devouring the bread.

"Haha well that's good to hear. You're welcome to have as many slices as you want" He says grabbing two slices for himself as he turns on the TV and plops down on the couch. After I grab myself a slice I walk over to the couch and sit down next to him, our legs almost touching. The news is still on from when he watched TV last night, and yet again it's talking about me, well Spider-Man but still.

"Man these people on the news can not get over Mr.Spidey guy, not saying that that's a bad thing, I just think they are a little too obsessed." Eddie says

"Yeah I don't know, I mean he's super cool and all, but there are a bunch of other people out there that they could talk about instead," I say looking at Eddie who is giving me a fake 'I can't believe you just said that' face.

"How dare you speak of Spider-Man like that, who knows he could be listening to you right now," Eddie says jokingly.

"Ha ha, very funny Edward," I say turning to look back at the TV, which has now changed subjects. The news reporters are talking about Green Goblin, he's captured people and is destroying the city. Just my luck. I quickly get up after hearing that and head to my room to grab my suit and then go to the front door to put some shoes on to look "normal".

"Yo, where are you going? I thought you didn't have work today?" Eddie asks pausing the TV.

"Oh um, I just have to go run a few errands real quick, I won't be long," I say smiling at him hoping that's a good enough excuse for him.

"Alright. Hey while you're out, do you think you could stop by the grocery store? We ran out of baking flour. Oh and I probably won't be here when you get back. I have to leave for work in about an hour," He says getting up from the couch to meet me. He walks up to me and hands me a picture of the flour I need to get.

"This is the brand I normally get, if you can't find just grab whatever the store has" He says as I grab the paper from him, shoving it in my pocket.

"Yeah will do, see you later!" I say running out the door and making my way to where Green Goblin is.


After the fight with Green Goblin

I was successfully able to get Green Goblin back into containment, and in the police's hands. But at the cost of three people ending up in the ER, and now I have a broken wrist and very bruised ribs. How lovely.

"Thank you so much for all your help Spider-Man, we very much appreciate it." A police officer says to me

"Of course, I mean that is my job, after all, right?" I say trying to laugh off my pain but that only makes it worse. Of course, it did dumbass, if you have bruised ribs and laugh, it's gonna hurt.
"We still really appreciate your help." another officer is saying something to me as well but I can't pay attention. I start to feel my head spinning and everyone is looking blurry. This can't be good, I have to get out of here. I start to walk away until my face meets the ground and I black out.

I wake up a few moments later to find Robin and Nancy standing over me.

"Spider-Man! Hey! Wake up!" I faintly hear Robin says as she shakes my shoulders a little. My head is still spinning as I feel someone, most likely Nancy, helping me up.

"Everything's okay, me and Robin are gonna get you back home" I hear Nancy say before I start to feel myself passing out again.

word count: 1118

(a kudos maybe?)

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