Falls into place

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Steve's POV:

As I let go of Nancy and head back inside, I see Eddie watching TV yet again.

"Hey I'm back, sorry I took so long," I say walking over to Eddie.

"No worries man, I'm just glad your back. I heard that traffic was a shit show tonight because of the holidays and stuff coming up" Eddie says looking at me.

"Yeah for sure, always is, always will be," I say sitting down next to him, our knees touching

"Wanna watch a movie or something? Assuming you don't have work tomorrow since it's a Saturday and you seriously need some more days off" Eddie says.

"I'd love to, also I like my work! And I do get days off work, you just don't notice them," I say laughing a little at Eddie's worriedness.

"I doubt that, but anyways what do you wanna watch?" Eddie says. We continue to find a movie and I get some food somewhere in the middle of the movie. I can feel myself lean into Eddie more as I start to drift off to sleep.

Eddie's POV:

As soon as the movie is over I see Steve passed out next to me. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps compared to when he gets home from work, where he is always in a hurry to do whatever the hell he does in his free time. As I find myself staring at him, I notice that he has a large cut on his shoulder blade that just barely peeks through the top of his shirt. I wanna get a better look at it but before I can Steve turns over onto his side, no longer leaving the cut visible. I wonder where he got it from, does he even notice that he has it? I quickly sho my thoughts away and reach down to pick up Steve. I place his arms over my shoulders and his legs around my waist.

I was gonna bring him to his room until I remember that he has a lock on the door, now I'm not one to judge but that's definitely not something you see often. Especially since I've never even been allowed in his room before, I can't help but be a little curious as to what he's hiding in there.

I walk into my room still carrying Steve, and place him on my bed as gently as possible trying not to wake him up. I then pull the covers over him and make sure he is all safe before I grab some blankets and lay down on the ground next to my bed. I try to fall asleep but my mind keeps going back to Steve and the number of times I've seen him hurt. I know that everyone has their secrets and all, but I really do wish that Steve could tell me what's going on.

The next morning

Steve's POV:

I wake up feeling achy all over, but also warm. When I open my eyes I realize that I'm not in my own room, I sit up and look around before I realize that this is Edde's room. And I'm in his bed right now. I can't help but blush at the thought before I hear the front door opening. I get out of bed and leave Eddie's room to see what's happening.

"Long time no see Eds!" I see someone saying as he goes up to Eddie and hugs him.

"I've missed you too dude! How are you and Suzie doing?" Eddie asks the other male while letting him go.

"Great, really great. How're things going with you and your new-" Before he can finish Eddie is covering his mouth and looking up at me.

"Steve! Morning! How did you sleep last night?" Eddie says taking his hands off the other male and walking over to me.

"Pretty good actually, thanks for letting me sleep in your room by the way," I say still focused on who the other guy is. I know that I've seen him somewhere but I can't seem to remember where.

"Oh right! Steve this is my friend Dustin, Dustin this is Steve!" Eddie says guiding me over to Dustin.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Steve as Eddie said," I say reaching out to shake Dustin's hand.

"Nice to meet you as well, I'm Dustin." He says shaking my hand before letting go to wrap his arm around Eddie.

"Oh I made breakfast, by the way, I'm sure you're both hungry by now," Eddie says.

"Count me in!" Dustin says speed walking over to the kitchen table. I follow suit and go sit down at the table to find pancakes, nice and fresh, on a plate. Dustin is the first one to grab a pancake as he shoves it into his mouth.

"These are fucking delicious!" Dustin says grabbing another pancake. I reach to grab my own to see, not that I would ever doubt Eddie's cooking skills, he's an amazing chef. I bite into the pancake before saying

"Wow these are really good, what did you put in them? Like rainbows and magic or something?" I ask.

"Stop it, both of you, you guys are too nice to me," Eddie says

"Only telling the truth! As good as these are, we should probably get going if we wanna find a good tree" Dustin says heading towards the door

"Yeah, you're right. Would you like to come with Steve? We are going to go find a Christmas tree" Eddie says.

"Oh, I'm okay but thank you though. I made some plans with Robin already. You two have fun!" I say watching them head out the door.

word count: 947

a/n: sorry for being so inactive, I want through a rlly bad writers block so i didn't have any ideas for a really long time.
Also this is more of a filler chapter so give me ideas on what to write next!

(kudos are greatly appreciated if you're enjoying)

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