Everything, everything

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At Steve's apartment

Nancy's POV:

"This is his place, right? Xxx on floor 3?" I ask as Robin is walking over to me.

"Yep, this is it, but first we gotta make sure that his roommate isn't home," Robin says grabbing a spare key from her pocket, and opening Steve's front door, just enough to peak inside.

"Alright, I think we are in the clear. Let's get him inside," Robin says opening the door all the way so that I could drag Steve inside. We walk in and go straight to the bathroom.

"Hey, Rob? Could you take Steve and put him in the tub? I'm gonna try to find a first aid kit," I say leaning Steve onto Robin as I reach into the cabinets below the sink to look for anything that will help. After a minute of searching, I find the first aid.

"Alright Rob I'm gonna need you to take off Steve's mask and shirt, you can leave the pants on," I say grabbing some rubbing alcohol and another ointment.

"Okay. Do you think he'll be okay? Do you know why he blacked out? Maybe something bit him again or maybe he's gonna die or-"

"Robin, Steve will be fine. Just hurry up okay?" I say placing my hand over hers to help her calm down a little. She starts to ramble when she gets nervous. I know this because when we went on our first date she wouldn't stop talking and it was so cute, but that's beside the point right now.

After Robin removes Steve's clothing, I get to work cleaning his cuts and wrapping his wrist.

"Why do you think he fainted? Has he ever done that before?" Robin asks me

"I'm not sure, I would assume just from exhaustion, but we will have to see when he wakes up," I say looking back at Steve who is still passed out. I can't help but worry for him. He is constantly fighting and getting hurt, it's honestly no surprise that he fainted. As I and Robin are cleaning up, we both hear the front door opening and hear the sound of Eddie on the phone.

"Shit! Hurry and close the shower curtains, we can't let Eddie see Steve like this" I whisper to Robin. I hurry and clean everything up, trying to make it look like nothing ever happened, when I accidentally drop the first aid kit, causing a loud thump to be heard throughout the entire home.

"Hello? Who's there," Eddie says, his voice getting louder as he walks up the bathroom door. Before I can do anything, Robin is grabbing me and leads us out of the bathroom to greet a scared Eddie.

"Uh hi, so sorry for the sudden intrusion, we were stopping by to see if Steve was home but he wasn't so we will be on our way now-" I start to say but then Eddie interrupts me.

"Wait who the hell are you? How do you know Steve? And what was that loud noise I just heard?" Eddie says grabbing onto Robin's and mines wrists tightly.

"Wait, Steve hasn't told you about us? How fucking dare he, I'm gonna kill him when I see him" Robin says

"Robin!" I say giving her a death stare, she really doesn't know when to not talk. I then look back over at Eddie.

"Anyways, I'm Nancy, and this is Robin. We are old friends of Steve. You must be Eddie, Steve's roommate. It's very nice to meet you" I say trying to be as polite as possible.

"Oh, Robin and Nancy? Yeah, Steve has talked about you guys a few times before. It's nice to meet you both as well." Eddie says letting go of me and Robins wrists.

"But still, what are you guys doing here? What were you doing in my house?" Eddie asks, getting closer to me and Robin again.

"Oh right um, we were just-"

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