What's so funny? I dont know

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Steve's POV:

I arrive back at the apartment by myself. Shortly after Robin and I finished she headed out to go visit some friends.

As I walk in, I can hear Eddie and who I can assume is the mystery girl talking in his room. I try to ignore it and just walk past. As much as it hurts to have seen that girl, I can't be mad. This is what I signed up for, and it'd be better for me to not be distracted with someone special in my life.

The day goes by fast, as do the weeks and soon months. Everything is moving around me while I stand still, not knowing anything. Eddie and the mystery girl, who's name is Claire, are officially dating. While she doesn't live with us, it sure as feels like it.

"Hi Steve!" Claire greets me as I walk in the front door.

"Hey Claire. Been up to anything recently?" I ask

"Not much. But, if you don't mind, I have something I'd like to ask you."

"Go ahead"

"I realize I've never really asked you what you do for work. It's kinda random, but I just feel like you're always gone! So it must be something cool!" Claire exclaims.

Cool? Yeah totally. It's super cool getting my ass kicked and getting beaten the shit out of. Super fucking cool.

"Oh I just do stocks n stuff. Nothing cool by any means"

"Really? Oh! Well I guess that sounds interesting. Do you know when Eddie will be back?"

"No sorry, haven't seen him all day" I reply. Claire nods and starts towards the kitchen.

Before I can manage to get my shoes off, the front door flies open, knocking right over.

"Shit sorry Steve!" I hear Eddie say.

"All good, no worries man" I respond.

Eddie reaches his hand out, helping me up. Once I'm standing, I'm made very aware of the small distance between Eddie and I. I stare at his eyes, looking for something, anything that could be a sign that maybe he likes me, but that's not the case. Just seconds later he closes the door and rushes over towards Claire hugging her lovingly.

I can't help but stare, and wish that I was in Claire's position. A normal person, without a care for the world. I would give anything to be normal.


Eddie POV:

Don't get me wrong, life has been amazing recently. I met Claire and she's the most amazing person I know, besides Steve of course. But it feels like something is missing. I love life right now, so why does something feel wrong?

I get out of bed, needing to clear my thoughts as I find my way to the fridge in the dark. As the light from inside the fridge hits my face, I think about when I first moved in. When it was my first time meeting Steve.

The way that his hair fell onto his face, his surprisingly strong build, his eyes which anyone could get lost in just by looking at. It all feels so distant now. Steve has been home less and less ever since me and Claire got together. I can't help but wonder if he hates me, or if I did something wrong.

"Oh hey Eddie" I'm pulled from my trance as I see Steve emerge from the bathroom with hollow eyes.

"Hey Steve. You alright man? You don't look so hot"

"How dare you I'm always hot. But yeah I'm fine, just a little sick. Allergies am I right?"

I can't help but laugh at his response. No matter what time of day it is, Steve will always find a way to be witty.

"Allergies. Man kinds biggest enemy" I reply.

"Totally. Well I'm going to bed, goodnight Eds" Steve replies stepping into his room, making a sound I've heard too many times before.

He always has his door shut. I mean I understand privacy, don't get me wrong, it's just I feel so disconnected from him. He's always in his own world.

I manage to turn my gaze away from Steve's room and back to the fridge. After picking out a snack and heading back to my room, I can faintly hear the sound of a window opening. Probably Steve's.

I don't question it and decide to go to sleep, hoping that all these thoughts will go away.

word count: 783

a/n: Hello! shorter chapter this time, but have no fear, for I should be back to a regular upload schedule, or at least one that's better than uploading like once a year. Thanks to everyone who's read the story this far and left kudos! It's greatly appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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