Dust fire, pink marker

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Eddie's POV:

I wake up to the brightness of the sun shining through my window shades, which were wide open for some damn reason, and to the movement of something next to me. I quickly look down to see Steve, the Steve. My roommate. The one I've had a crush on since I met him, snuggled up against my chest. I try to remember the events from last night that led up to him being in my room with me, but everything just comes back dark. All I can remember was that we were drinking? I think? Shit I'm not sure. I probably need to get Steve out of here before he wakes up. I start to sit up until I see Steve start to wake up. Shit, what do I do? Is he gonna hate me? Is he gonna think we did something more than what we actually did? Oh god he probably gonna hate m-

"Mmph, morning" Steve says as he rubs his eyes.

"Oh um, hey morning" I say. Steve sits up and then looks at me, then his eyes start to wander around my room. "Listen I'm really sorry I don't know how we ended up-"

"Wait, is this your room? How did I get here? Let alone in your bed?" Steve says laughing a little as a light blush covers his face.

"Oh man, I'm so glad you're not mad at me. I honestly don't know how either of us got here." I say smiling at him as he turns to face me.

"Only thing that I do know is that I'm gonna have to cancel my plans with Robin, I have a massive headache right now to be completely honest, which probably means we were drinking" Steve replies.

"Yeah" I respond, not knowing what else to say. This is so awkward but also amazing at the same time. Steve starts to shuffle around a little before getting out of the bed, and walks out of my room. I was gonna lay back down until I hear what sounded like glass shattering, causing me to run out of my room to see what happened.

"Hey what happened are you ok-"

"Eddie! There you are!" Dustin says waving at me whilst standing on the kitchen counter.

"Dustin, what the fuck." I say flabbergasted.

"What do you mean what the fuck? I should be asking you two that question!" Dustin replies pointing to me and Steve, who is looking at his phone.

"Dude you literally just broke one of our NICE glasses, so of course I'm gonna ask what the fuck" I reply.

"Oh boo hoo get over it. It was one glass. And it's not my fault your cabinets are too tall for me to reach, and Steve only sat there and watched me." Dustin says climbing down, avoiding the glass shattered across the floor.

"Hey woah don't be so quick to blame me here!" Steve says.

"'Hey woah don't be so quick to blame me here' says the guy who didn't try to help me when I asked VERY POLITELY for it!" Dustin says sticking his tongue out at Steve, he truly is a child. Steve only scoffs in response.

"Dustin can you go grab the broom please so that our kitchen isn't a deadly place?" I ask. He nods, walking over to the closet and grabbing the broom.

After a few minutes of sweeping and listening to Steve and Dustin argue about whose fault the cup breaking was, our kitchen was finally clean. Ah yes, cleanliness.

"Alright girls we get it, you hate each other. The glass is gone now so please stop arguing about it." I say glaring at both of them. They give each other once last glance before finally dropping the subject. I glance at the clock in the kitchen, realizing I'm super late for work. "I'll be right back, I have to tell my boss I'm sick. Don't break another glass or I swear to god I'll kill you both" I say walking back to my room to grab my phone.

Steve's POV:

The second that Eddie leaves, Dustin slaps me real hard right across my face.

"WHAT THE HELL DUDE!?" I yell at him, forcing myself not to hit him knowing damn well it would probably kill him.

"That's what you get for making Eddie mad at me" He says.

"Well fuck you too man" I say walking over to the couch, turning on the TV.

"Speaking of fucking, how was last night" Dustin asks. If I had water in my mouth right now, I definitely would have just spit it all out.

"Pardon?" I say trying to hide the blush that's creeping onto my face.

"You heard me. How was last night? Who topped?" Dustin asks like it's the most casual conversation ever.

"First off, we didn't fuck last night you dirty-minded bastard. Second, why the hell would I tell you anything if we did?" I say trying to return my focus on the TV.

"I'm just curious, that's all" Dustin says sitting down next to me.

"Whatever man. Just shut up and watch TV" I say.

A few minutes later, Eddie reappears from his room, coming to sit down with me and Dustin. He sits down in between me and Dustin without saying a word. I try not to focus on how close he is to me, but I can't stop thinking about what Dustin said earlier.

"So Eddie, how was last night?" Dustin asks.

"Dustin! I already told you nothing happened!" I say glaring at him. This kid can not take a hint.

"Woah easy there! Don't be so quick to get mad! Also, I'm only asking because the hickey on your neck says otherwise" Dustin replies giving me a sly grin. I feel myself blush, quickly running a hand over my neck as if that will help.

"Wait what? Eddie he's joking right?" I ask looking at Eddie who is staring at my neck. Shit.

"I, uhm, I would say that he is but you might wanna go look for yourself Stevie. Here let's go to the bathroom real quick." Eddie says getting off the couch and bringing me with him to the bathroom.

As soon as we are both in, he quickly locks the door while I scan my neck and sure enough, there's a large purple hickey forming.

"Shit" I mumble running my hand over it.

"I'm so sorry this is totally my fault, I truly don't remember what happened last night" Eddie says.

"It's okay man, I mean I'm just more surprised than concerned right now because how the hell do neither of us remember last night haha" I say trying to laugh it off and stop myself from blushing even more than I already am.

We both awkwardly stand in the bathroom looking at my hickey, until Dustin knocks on the door.

"I'm coming in!" He says trying to unlock the door. "Okay maybe I lied, I need you to let me in" Dustin says. Eddie unlocks the door, letting Dustin come striding in.

"So Steve, how does it feel to know that you got knocked up by Eddie here last night?" Dustin says falling to the ground laughing, Eddie tackling him. While yes I am embarrassed, I can't help but laugh because Dustin can be hella funny not gonna lie.

"I think it's time for you to head home Dustin" Eddie says guiding him out the bathroom, turning around to face me mouthing the word 'sorry' before continuing to guide him to the door.

word count: 1315

a/n: hello to the people who are still here, I want to first off apologize for not updating for almost three months, massive writers block hit me. But I think that I'll be able to update more frequently so I hope you continue to enjoy :)

(if you're enjoying the story, a kudos would be greatly appreciated)

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