Drink a dirty puddle

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Steve's POV:

"Hey, woah easy there man, listen I'm really not looking for any trouble"

"Do I look like I care Spider-Man?"


A few hours later

"So you're telling me, that this green goblin-looking thing, came out of the sewer, and beat you up? What the hell Steve?"

"Listen, Rob, I know that it looks bad but I really did try to walk away from the situation-"

"No, you dumbass! I don't care about that, you should have called for me, I could have helped you." Robin says with a stern but also concerned look on her face.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Sorry, Rob." I say

"It's fine, just please be more careful next time. Just because you're body can heal at scarily fast rates doesn't mean that you can just get into fights and get your ass handed to you without calling for help"

"Wow thanks for the total confidence boost Rob, really appreciate it," I say rolling my eyes at her.

"Anytime" She replies. "Well let's get you back home, isn't your new roommate moving in today?"

"Shit! Yeah, he is and I'm most definitely late!" I say running out of Robin's apartment and running over to my house. Life would be so much easier if I could just swing freely to get places, but news spreads like wildfire so if anyone saw my face, I would be screwed. Along with all my friends.

I arrive at my apartment not much later walking in to see the new guy along with some other people who I assume are his friends.

"Hey, I'm Steve, your roommate. I'm so sorry I'm late. I got caught up in, uh, work stuff" I say.

"Oh hey your all good man, we've all been there." The guy in the middle of the three replies walking up to me, and shaking my hand.

"I'm Eddie"

"Nice to meet you, Eddie"

~~~A few months later~~~

"Yo Steve do we have any salt? I can't find any" Eddie is yelling at me from the kitchen.

"Uh I don't know, check the cabinet to the right of the sink" I reply

"I already checked there, could you just come over here and help me?" I can hear him sigh as he speaks, so I get up and meet him in the kitchen, but he's wearing an apron and has his hair tied up. He looks so cute.

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare or are you gonna help me out there big boy" Eddie says as he playfully winks at me, sending butterflies down to my stomach. The funniest part about him calling me big boy though is the fact that he's almost taller than me by 3 inches.

"Move over Munson, the real detective in this house needs to solve the case of the missing salt," I say pushing him aside to look through the cabinets.

"Are you accusing me of being a bad detective? How dare you. And calling me by my last name? What a tragedy" He says as he rests the back of his hand on his face, making a sad-looking face.

"Oh, you'll be fine. Also, I found the salt" I say turning around to hand him the salt when I realize that he's only a few inches away from me causing me to freeze. I then snap out of my little trance, hand him the salt, and then go to sit down at the table.

"Where the hell was it? I've been searching for that thing for hours" He says

"It was where it always is. Right next to the pepper" I say reaching over to grab my laptop. I'm really behind on work stuff, and I have some new photos to post of Spider-Man.

"No way, your totally lying to me, but I'll let it slide just this once Harrington," Eddie replies. I'm about to come up with a response when I suddenly hear my watch start to buzz. Shit.

"I uhm, I gotta go, sorry Eddie, It's a work call," I say closing my laptop and heading to the front door to leave. Thankfully he doesn't question it and goes back to cooking. I step outside of our apartment and then head to the stairwell for some privacy.

"Robin, you know that it's my day off right?" I ask speaking into my watch.

"Yeah I know but you need to get your ass over to me right now, we have a villain on the loose and I could really use some backup right now. I'll send you my location." She says as she hangs up the call while sending me her location.

Eddie's POV:

If I'm being completely honest, I'm not the nosey type. I understand that people have their own problems that they wanna keep to themselves which is totally fine. But when your roommate of almost half a year comes back looking like how he does? You get a little concerned.

I'm casually watching the news, about Spider-Man and his latest save from a villain when I see Steve opening the door with a black eye and he's grabbing his side.

"Steve wholly shit dude? What the hell happened? You were gone for like maybe 2 hours and to be completely honest, you look terrible." I say walking over to Steve. He's limping.

"Oh you know, just some stuff. I just got into a little back alley fight is all. Seriously don't worry about me" Steve says to me as he's still grabbing his stomach.

"Jesus Steve, this is the third time this week you have come home looking like this. I'm not trying to be mean but you gotta find a better way to use your free time man" I say.

"Yeah I know, I'm just an unlucky guy, what can I say?" He says as he flashed me a bright smile, and yet again I feel butterflies in my stomach. Why is he so perfect?

"You can say that again," I say leading him to his bedroom. I try to give him some help cleaning himself up but he refuses, so I let him be and go back to watching the TV.

word count: 1039

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