Don't litter or it hurts

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Steve's POV:

I wake up the next morning to the loud sound of my alarm going off. I turn it off and quickly drag myself out of bed. I actually have to do work today which sucks, but I mean work isn't too bad, I just complain a lot. I then get dressed and try to sneak out of my room and into the kitchen as quietly as possible because I know for a fact that Robin and Dustin spent the night.

After I get a bagel and coffee I head out the door to work. Since it's a Monday the subway is gonna be busy, so I try to rush over there as fast as possible. I manage to squeeze into the already overcrowded bus, pushed up against the many strangers also going to work I assume.

Once I get off and get to work, I realize that I forgot the one thing I needed to grab. My suit. I was gonna have Hopper look over it today since it's not in let's say, the best condition. I decide that it's too late to turn around so I'll just have to tell him about its problems.

I arrive not much later and walk into Hopper's office.

"Hello Hopper, sorry I was late. Subway was super full today," I say awkwardly.

"Hello, Steven. So did you bring your suit?" He asks not looking up from his computer.

"Um so about that-" I say then I get cut off by some woman barging into his office, wait is that Robin?

"Hopper!" She yells pushing past me and leaning onto his desk. Again he doesn't even have to look up to know who's talking.

"Robin, what the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be at Eddie's?" I say grabbing her shoulder and turning her to face me.

"Oh, Stevie! You're here, thank god. I was just about to ask where you were. You see we have a slight issue. Sandman escaped." She says a little out of breath, most likely from running (or should I say swinging) over here. I pause for a second and look at Hopper before he nods his head in approval for me to go. Robin sees this and then grabs me and starts to run out of I.D. Labs. Once we get out I start to ask some questions.

"Okay so do we know any more info on him? Like where he is, or how he escaped, and-" I'm cut off by the feeling of someone socking me right in the face with a hard, yet sandy feeling punch. That could only be one person. Sandman.

"Well well well, if it isn't my two favorite Spiders!" He shouts engulfing me and Robin's bodies with Sand.
"Woah hey easy there dude, I bet we can just talk this out, like gentlemen," I say.

"Ha! You really think I would have a meaningful conversation with you Spider-Man, or should I say Steve Harrington" He says with a grin on his face. And it was at that moment that I realized I still didn't have my suit, meaning that not only Sandman would know who I am, but other citizens as well. Robin must have realized it too as she started to shout nonsense at Sandman. His attention was then focused on Robin, giving me the opportunity to escape his grasp. I needed to get my suit, and fast.

I try thinking of ways to get my mask as quickly as possible until it hits me. As long as he stays here outside of I.D. Labs, then no one will see my face. With this in mind, I start to make a wall of webs around him and Robin. He quickly takes notice of this and starts to try and hit me. Thankfully Robin is doing a great job of deafening everyone so he can't get his aim right.

Just as I'm about to finally knock him out, but then Hopper appears out of nowhere and blows a final punch at him. He'll be out for a while after that.

"Show-off" I half-whisper.

"What was that Harrington?" Hopper asks me.

"Oh um, nothing sir. Thank you for helping us." I say as he lowers himself to the ground, his mask folding away.

"No problem kid. Smart thinking by the way, with the whole web-wall thing" He says ruffling my hair a little and then going over to talk to Robin as well. He really is a great person.

"Also, I recommend you go back home now. I have more important matters to deal with since you forgot the one thing you needed" He says walking passed me and back inside.

"OOOH ROASTED" Robin shouts at me, which ends up with my leg to her stomach.

"Bitch" She mutters as we start to make our way back home.

Robin finally decides that she wants to go home and hang out with Nancy so I drop her off at her house before walking back to mine. After I arrive I see that Dustin and Eddie are playing a board game or something.

"I'm back!" I yell as I take off my shoes and head inside.

"Already? Don't you normally not get off work until like 8 something?" Eddie asks still focusing on his game.

"Yeah, normally but something came up so the boss let us all leave early," I say walking over to the two.

"Want some beer? While you were gone we went out and bought some" Dustin says

"Maybe later, I mean hell it's only 4. Wait, are you even old enough to drink?" I ask. Dustin pauses for a second to think about what I just said, and then continues to keep playing the game. He definitely is not old enough to drink.

"Alright well I'll be in my room, Eddie please don't let Dustin drink there is no way he's old enough," I say walking to my room and not waiting for a response. I'm too tired to even care about whether or not Eddie does let Dustin drink. As long as I'm not the one who gets blamed for it, then I'm fine. 

I drop my bag by my desk and flop down onto my bed. After a few minutes, I can feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep until all my senses go dark.

4 hours later (mans was fucking exhausted)

I slowly start to wake up and sit upright on the bed. I look over at my clock and realize four hours have passed. God damn, that's probably the longest nap that I've ever taken. I then start to hear the sounds of the TV from outside my door, so I decided to get up and go be a human being and interact with other people.

"Well, well, well, look whos awake. How did you sleep sleeping beauty?" Eddie asks sarcastically as I walk over to the couch to join him and Dustin.

"What happened to him?" I ask pointing at Dustin, who is passed out on the other side of the couch.

"I don't know actually, one minute he could hardly sit still from all of the alcoho- ice cream that was in his system, and then he ended up like this" Eddie says looking at Dustin stuffing down a laugh.

"Nice save there Eddie. I'll have to have some of that ice cream for myself" I say getting up and walking over to the fridge to grab a can of beer. It's not often that I'm able to just relax and have a drink.

"Well I'll be damned, you do drink," Eddie says shoving my shoulder as I go to sit down again.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. Listen I'm a busy man, drinking is the lowest of my priorities." I say taking a long swing from the can. I can see Eddie watching me out of the corner of my eye, waiting for a reaction from me.

"You just gonna stare or are you gonna drink too?" I say making eye contact with him.

"Don't flatter yourself, Steve, I was just zoning out" Eddie says getting up to grab himself a beer, and me another one. After he opens his can, he makes a toast. "Here's to Steve for getting off work early and being able to drink, with me. His favorite person ever" Eddie says with a dumb smile plastered on his face.

"And I thought I was the one that was supposed to not flatter myself," I say taking another swing of my beer while Eddie does the same.

word count: 1442

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